Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez
Cigar Aficionado's 2021 "Cigar of the Year" No. 2 - 95-Rating
Cigar Snob - "Cigar of the Year 2021" No. 3 94-Rated
The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua is made by A.J. Fernandez at his San Lotano factory in Ocotál, Nicaragua, celebrating Montecristo's 85th Anniversary milestone. To honor the age-old tradition of soft-pressing cigars, the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua will be introduced as a soft-pressed series of four sizes. These soft-pressed cigars do not have the sharp angles and defined corners like a today's box-pressed cigars, instead they are not completely round, rounded cigars are packed tightly into their own dress boxes and then compacted by a hand press. The result is a squarish appearance, which is common among Cuban cigars. The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua cigars are comprised of all Nicaraguan tobaccos grown on A.J. Fernandez farms. The cigars are rich, but very well balanced as the Nicaraguan tobaccos used in this blend have been additional aged to provide rich rounded flavor with little to no bite.
Cigar Aficionado 93 Rated: "This all-Nicaraguan torpedo is box-pressed and covered in a gorgeous, dark-brown wrapper that hints at its full strength. A plethora of flavors come to the surface after it’s lit, including earth, leather and red pepper. The finish is full of coconut, malted milk and wood notes. It’s a complex cigar suitable for celebrating the birth of Montecristo."
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