Toscano cigars have been a part of the Italian culture as well as being recognized around the world for fine Kentucky fire-cured cheroots cigars. The Toscano cigars are made from the finest fire-cured tobaccos grown in Kentucky, Italy and Peru. The cigars were made famous by actor Clint Eastwood in spaghetti string westerns films.
Toscano Antico: Is a bold, full-bodied cigar with an intense, hearty flavor unparalleled in other Toscano cigars. Made famous by actor Clint Eastwood in the Dollar Trilogy movies directed by Sergio Leone. The filler consists of premium American Kentucky and Italian Kentucky tobacco leaves, wrapped with meticulously selected American Kentucky tobacco from the finest yield. The tobacco is aged for 12 months to provide a mature, rich, complex flavor profile. Toscano Antico has an even burn with a strong savor ranging from sweet to salty, tangy to spicy with a full bodied profile.