The Illusione ULTRA cigars are just that: an ultra full-bodied cigar. The line is comprised of all Nicaraguan tobaccos and wrapped in a high priming Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper. The cigars are blended to deliver both strength and complex flavor without losing one for the other. The new Illusione Ultra cigars are beautifully box-pressed except the MK Ultra. The bottom line on these cigars are they are full-bodied and super strong. The flavors are rich and powerful with a nice balance, bringing out subtle tobacco flavors despite its power. The Illusion Ultra cigars are hand-rolled at the famed Raices Cubanas factory in Honduras from Nicaraguan tobacco grown by the good folks of Casa Fernandez’s tobacco growing arm of Aganorsa Leaf. Illusione has become a reliable name in boutique cigars, and the Ultra joins the ranks of Illusione's best.