Very good cigar
What can we say about Vallejuelo Cigars? Few cigars get rated by Cigar Aficionado, fewer receive such high ratings, and on top of that even fewer cost $4.50 - $6.00 per cigar! No wonder Cigar Aficionado gave it the "Best Bargain Cigar of 2010." We think that says it all! But for the sake of it, let's dive into this cigar.
The Vallejuelo boasts wonderful flavor, an amazing level of construction and an appearance that's rarely seen in cigars at this price. These smokes are finished expertly with a flat mounted head, a Cuban-style three-seam cap and a reddish, oily Ecuadorian Habano-seed varietal wrapper. The blend consists of a well-aged Dominican binder and ligero filler tobacco from both Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.
The Vallejuelo delivers full flavors of coffee, toast and blackberry notes, which are well-balanced with a pleasant finish of spice and natural tobacco sweetness. The Gran Toro and Robusto Gordo scored an impressive 92 and 93 points, respectively, in Cigar Aficionado Magazine!
This factory has been on our radar for years now, making hot selling brands, such as Spanish Galleon & Antonius to name a few. Blender and factory owner Maurice "Big Mo" Koks is a rising star in the boutique cigar world. Expect to see more outstanding smokes in the near future from this guy. Atlantic Cigar Company is proud to be the first store to offer these outstanding smokes. Buy a box today before they are gone!