Excellent value for the price point. will reorder!
Talavera Edicion Exclusiva 2nd Edition Cigars by Oliva Cigar Co.
Talavera “Edición Exclusiva” is a tribute to the celebration of the fine art and history of cigar making. From selecting the finest tobaccos, commissioning the finest cigar makers, and blending this special release, each and every Talavera “Edición Exclusiva’’ cigar has been meticulously produced. The Talavera name dates back to the very first ceramic jars produced to package Cuban cigars in the late 18th Century. These exquisite jars were manufactured in Talavera Spain. The city of Talavera was world renowned for its high-quality ceramics. Atlantic Cigar honors this tradition through the name and packaging of these premium cigars.
Talavera “Edición Exclusiva” was first released back in 2015 with an extremely limited supply, only 500 jars were produced and sold out almost instantly. Talavera “Edición Exclusiva” is not a cigar that can be mass produced. Only the finest tobacco cultivated and grown deserve to be called a Talavera “Edición Exclusiva." For this second release only 1,000 jars can be produced and will be released in a four-part allocation of 250 jars at a time and will be split between two manufacturers create two unique blends.
The second edition of Talavera “Edición Exclusiva” by Oliva Cigar Co. is available in two Toro formats, one a 6-1/2 x 54 box-pressed (BP) cigar, the other in a 6 x 54 round vitola. These special cigars are hand-rolled using expertly fermented ligero fillers, these leaves are known for their robust and rich flavor profile. The cigars are then finished with an aged vintage year Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. This special cigar is sure to exceed a premium cigar smoker’s highest expectations and enjoyment. These cigars are rolled and wet-packed like many Cuban brands, as they will continue to develop and change over time, making the ceramic jar a perfect aging vessel. Each jar will be packed with a Humi-Pack to ensure freshness. Enjoy a few now, age a few for later and see how the blend continues to develop and mature. So, pick up your Collector’s Jar and enjoy this exquisite medium-bodied & full-flavored well-crafted cigar today.
Excellent value for the price point. will reorder!
These are excellent. A great glove, good draw. I will admit the "Wet packed" thing had me concerned, but they smoked great ROTT. These are fun. I'm leaving them in the jar, intent is to do that, and my buddy and I are doing the "one a month" thing to note the aging process. And the jar is totally amazing, my grand-daughters are fighting over who gets it when it's empty. LOL.