Ligero has become a household name in the cigar world. Cigar smokers everywhere have fallen in love with the priming from the tobacco stalk that provides extra spice and kick to any cigar it's introduced to.
The Kristoff Ligero Criollo is a full-bodied cigar that uses a healthy dose of, you guessed it, ligero tobacco. But ligero is just the top priming from the tobacco plant. If you don't use quality tobaccos, then it doesn't matter which priming is used. Well, Glen Case made sure to use only the best when he created the Kristoff Ligero.
The blend consists of Cuban seed Dominican and Honduran long fillers, a Cuban seed Dominican binder and a dark and oily Honduran Criollo wrapper. This great mix of tobacco varietals provide a full-flavored and full-bodied smoking experience that's balanced with an array of flavors such as toasted nut, caramel, cedar and spice.