The Illusione ULTRA cigars are just that: an ultra full-bodied cigar. The line is comprised of all Nicaraguan tobaccos and wrapped in a high priming Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper. The cigars are blended to deliver both strength and complex flavor without losing one for the other. The new Illusione Ultra cigars are beautifully box-pressed except the MK Ultra. The bottom line on these cigars are they are full-bodied and super strong. The flavors are rich and powerful with a nice balance, bringing out subtle tobacco flavors despite its power. The Illusion Ultra cigars are hand-rolled at the famed Raices Cubanas factory in Honduras from Nicaraguan tobacco grown by the good folks of Casa Fernandez’s tobacco growing arm of Aganorsa Leaf. Illusione has become a reliable name in boutique cigars, and the Ultra joins the ranks of Illusione's best.
Illusione is a small boutique brand that was ranked as the number 7 cigar of the year in Cigar Aficionado's top 25 for 2007. The concept behind Illusione Cigars was to re-create a specific taste profile from years past. Before the Sandinistas took over Nicaragua in 1979, Nicaragua was growing some of the best tobaccos in the world. The cigars made from these prized fields in the Jalapa Valley and Esteli region were strong, bold and clean. After years of neglect, these old Somoza fields have been re-cultiviated by the legendary master grower Arcenio Ramos of Cuba. Along with Fernano, Chandito and famed Cuban agronomist Jacinto, Arsenio has assembled the varitable “dream team” of tobacco production. They have re-grown these humble acres to yield their Fullest potential once again. All Illusione cigars are made from first generation Corojo ’99, Criollo ’98 seeds, wrapped with a grade one Café Colorado wrapper, and finished with a traditional triple cap in the premier Raices Cubanas factory. Illusione cigars deliver a taste and a quality of smoke rarely found in today’s market. All of Illusione cigars are made in small-batch quantities to maintain quality and consistency.