El Septimo Cigars Long Shot Black (5x68)
At the beginning of the century, El Septimo launched a life-long project: to move away from tradition that limits the quality of the world’s most important brands, and instead offer consumers something new: the best cigars in the world, developed by cigar connoisseurs and master blenders.
An impressive cut, this cigar offers a real burnability and a pleasant lubrication. On one end, this eclectic model has punchy flavors and a notable presence, and on the other, it is elegant with refined aromas. This blend is achieved by carefully blending tobacco leaves to deliver an experience that truly stimulates the senses. The initial flavor upon lighting this cigar is of naturally-aged tobacco, and a shot of pepper. It’s the perfect recipe to get you puffing long and slow so that you could soak up all the flavor possible. By the second and final third, the cigar begins to offer high-end, old-school notes of cedar and leather. As the pepper nearly disappears, all other flavors stay in just the right position, showcasing the great range and quality of this blend’s tobacco.