El Septimo Cigars Excepcion White (5x60)
At the beginning of the century, El Septimo launched a life-long project: to move away from tradition that limits the quality of the world’s most important brands, and instead offer consumers something new: the best cigars in the world, developed by cigar connoisseurs and master blenders.
Offering cigar aficionados the quintessential range of flavors, The Zaya Collection is blended from a selection of the highest quality tobaccos, aged up to 15 years, and rolled with five fillers. This is why cigars in this Collection range at slightly larger ring gauges, because cigars are packed with more tobacco, hence offering more complex flavors. This sinfully delicious blend just oozes decadence… With a silky and dark wrapper due to its intensive curing and aging treatment, this cigar offers a robust and earthy profile with sweet overtones that balance the blend. A nice and thick smoke develops, while highlighting pops of oak, nougat, and cinnamon. Floral high notes continuously increase and lift the smoke throughout the entire cigar.