El Septimo Bomba Orange Cigars
At the beginning of the century, El Septimo launched a life-long project: to move away from tradition that limits the quality of the world’s most important brands, and instead offer consumers something new: the best cigars in the world, developed by cigar connoisseurs and master blenders.
The El Septimo Bomba Orange is hand rolled in Costa Rica using the traditional entubar method. This luxury cigar is part of the Zaya Collection which is blended from a selection of the highest quality tobaccos. The company claims most of the tobacco is aged up to 15 years and rolled with five fillers. A very flavorful cigar with delicious notes of cinnamon, walnut, dark coffee, and chestnut throughout. Give the El Septimo Diamond Collection Bomba Orange a try today and experience why many call this the finest cigar in the world.