Late Hour
Late Hour? How about any hour. Absolutely incredible. I normally steer clear of the pricier sticks because the nuance is normally lost on me, but this is just one of the best smokes I've had.
Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Cigars
The Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour cigar brand is to be enjoyed in the evening when your night is about to begin and moves to something more, a pathway into the night. The Winston Churchill The Late Hour is an interesting cigar, like the man. The cigars are blended with tobacco aged in finest Scotch single malt whisky casks. This helps bring a unique complexity, depth and of flavor. The blend utilizes a unique blend of bold aged tobaccos, starting with a beautiful dark Ecuadorian Habano Marron Oscuro wrapper, adjoining a bold Mexican Negro San Andres binder that hold together a rich blend of filler tobaccos comprised of San Vicente Mejorado Visus, Piloto Seco and Olor Visus (Dominican Republic) Esteli Visus and Condega Visus (Nicaragua).
Buy The Winston Churchill The Late Hour cigars online at for the best prices and service on the net, the leader in discount cigars.
Late Hour? How about any hour. Absolutely incredible. I normally steer clear of the pricier sticks because the nuance is normally lost on me, but this is just one of the best smokes I've had.
Bought 5 to try out a year or so ago and just finishing the last one tonight. Great smoke start to finish...will be ordering more! Sir Winston!!