Davidoff Royal Series Cigars are small production cigar line that's expertly and meticulously crafted for life’s happiest occasions, those moments of celebration that insist on only the best cigars. Never has a cigar been created to fill time more beautifully.
The Davidoff Royal Series are truly a special cigar designed for those seeking the utmost premium smoking experience. The Royal Series are a limited production cigar with a complex blend of premium-selected tobacco from the Dominican Republic and wrapped in an Aromatica Dominicana wrapper. The cigar delivers a balanced profile a full body cigar that gets balanced out with a pleasant smooth and creamy profile, this superb smoke delivers a whirlwind of rich complex flavors.
Each of the two sizes deliver a unique smoking experience. The Robusto and Salomone use six rare, aged Ligero tobaccos blend to create Royal’s perfume, an opening of cedar notes before spices and wood flavors lead to leather and floral perfumes.