Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro Tins

Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro Tins

Davidoff Cigarillos
Country of Origin Nicaragua
Strength Full
Size 4 1/8 x 34
Grade Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color Maduro
Binder / Filler Ecuador / Nicaragua, Dominican Republic
Wrapper Mexican Sumatra Maduro
SKU DAV-01-115M
$189.00 $151.20 (You save $37.80)
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Davidoff Cigarillos are some of the most popular little cigars in the world. Why? Because they don't cut corners just because these aren't "premium" cigars. Call them "premium" cigarillos if you'd like, because that what these are. Davidoff takes Caribbean, Indonesian and Brazilian tobaccos and rolls them in high-quality Sumatran wrappers. These cigarillos are smooth and slightly sweet and produce a very pleasant smoking flavors and aromas.
he Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua in the Maduro version of the same Petit Panetela format imparts a more intensive flavor. The complexity and balance create an extraordinary smoking experience in those moments of escape , whether over lunch or a short break. This small cigar provides similar palate stimulation to the regular Davidoff Nicaragua line, yet is more intense and sweet, while developing amazing chocolate flavors. Wrapped in a Mexican Sumatra Maduro leaf this cigar has an Ecuadorian binder as well as Nicaraguan filler tobaccos from the Esteli, Ometepe and Jalapa regions, as well as Dominican Piloto tobaccos. The size of this Petit Panetela is 4 1/8 x 34 and is available in 6 count tins. Perfect for a quick step out.
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