Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo can be a bit polarizing. Grizzled cigar vets tend to thumb their noses at the brand, but there’s no denying that Macanudo remains the best-selling cigar on the planet. Why is that? Macanudo offers a smooth, approachable cigar blend at a decent price point.
The 90-rated Macanudo Café leads the charge with a crisp, mellow flavor that any cigar enthusiast can get behind. Want something a little more boutique? Try the 93-rated Macanudo Inspirado Orange. This award-winning cigar adds a totally different dimension to the fabled portfolio. Or maybe you want something totally different? Try Macanudo’s coffee-flavor Macanudo M Espresso. But no matter what Macanudo cigar you pick, know that you’ll get them at industry-leading prices at