San Cristobal Elegancia cigars are made at the famed My Father Cigar factory in Nicaragua under the watchful eye of the Garcia family. San Cristobal Elegancia is primarily made using rich aged Nicaraguan tobaccos but with a twisted: the cigar is wrapped in a golden silky brown Ecuadorian Connecticut seed wrapper. This wrapper makes this cigar medium in body with a smooth and creamy flavor. You will find less spice then you normally would find in most of the full bodied Pepin Garcia style cigar’s, making this cigar a perfect choice for anytime of the day.
San Cristobal Elegancia cigars are made at the famed My Father Cigar factory in Nicaragua under the watchful eye of the Garcia family. San Cristobal Elegancia is primarily made using rich aged Nicaraguan tobaccos but with a twisted, the cigar is wrapped in a golden silky brown Ecuadorian Connecticut seed wrapper. This wrapper makes this cigar medium in body with a nice smooth creamy flavor. You will find less spice then you normally would find in most of the Full bodied Pepin Garcia style cigar’s, making this cigar a perfect choice for anytime of the day.