Outstanding smoke!
This is the best deal for these Romeo and Julieta’s cigars. Great value for the quality of this cigar
Romeo y Julieta might have had mild origins, but the Romeo Y Julieta Reserve is here to modify that reputation. The Reserve is Romeo y Julieta’s full-flavored line extension, which is achieved by utilizing full-bodied filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras. The cigar is finished using a dark and oily Nicaraguan wrapper leaf, creating a rich, bold smoke with earthy undertones and a smooth finish with pepper and natural sweetness. Overall, the Romeo Y Julieta Reserve is a well-made, medium to full-bodied smoke.
This is the best deal for these Romeo and Julieta’s cigars. Great value for the quality of this cigar
This complex and beautiful flavor at the same time leaves no room for thinking about lighting up another Cigar and writing a review for this Romeo y Julieta. You will light another cigar and will give a 5-star review for sure