Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua Cigars Toro (6x50) 10-Pack
A line extension of the Romeo y Julieta 1875 cigars, one of the most popular cigars on the market and made at Tabacalera Garcia, 1875 Nicaragua is instead made by the famous Plasencia family at their Nicaraguan factory and released in 2018. Using only the finest aged Nicaraguan tobaccos grown on Plasencia’s Nicaraguan farms, these gems are made with the seasoned, modern connoisseur in mind. These Nicaraguan puros, which means the entire blend, wrapper, binder, and fillers, are made with Nicaraguan tobbacos, will offer you a rich and robust full-bodied smoke that provides a medley of black pepper, earth, tobacco sweetness, coffee, and spice flavors that will keep your palate entertained from first spark to the nub.
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