Paul Garmirian Reserva Exclusiva cigars is a limited production cigar rolled in 2001 and then carefully aged to perfection. A medium to full-bodied cigar that’s smooth, rich and tasty, these cigars are the result of the aged tobaccos used and the additional aging process after the cigars are rolled.
Made with 10 year old tobacco, the wrapper is a hand selected Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The Reserva Exclusiva has a Dominican binder with filler tobaccos from both the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. These hand-rolled cigars are complex and deliver loads of flavor and great aroma.
The PG “R.E.’s" have received recognition from cigar review sites and cigar bloggers across the country. A truly aged cigar that should be a treat for those PG cigar aficionado’s that are looking for something limited and special.