Oliva Small Batch Exclusive Box-Pressed Cigars
The Oliva brand has become one of the hottest selling cigar brands on the market partly due to its consistently high ratings and its friendly price. Leave it to Oliva to produce such a great cigar and retail it at a reasonable price. Atlantic Cigar knows value and quality when we see it, so it was only logically to team up with this highly rated cigar maker. Each Oliva Small Batch cigars utilizes only the top 10% of tobaccos harvested, each tobacco leaf is hand-selected for this exclusive blend. The cigars underwent numerous blend test to create what we feel is an outstanding blend showcasing Oliva's mastery of tobacco growing and blending. Focusing all resources on the cigar not the packaging, to deliver something that is truly special yet staying true to Oliva's world renowned brand portfolio.
It starts with a complex blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos and the special use of Jalapa Valley ligero, which provides good amounts of leather and spice on top of cedar and hints of sweetness. The cigar is finished in two wrapper styles, a high-priming Habano Sun grown wrapper for the Habano line and a dark and rich Mexican San Andres wrapper for the maduro line. Both deliver immense depth and flavor with a rounded and smooth strength profile. The box pressing of this blend really helps to magnify the flavor profile to whole new level of intensity. The Oliva Small Batch is a full-bodied cigar that smokes great out of the box, but also ages nicely due to its full-bodied profile and complex flavors.