Oliva Serie V Melanio cigars (Cigar Aficionado - 90+ Rated Brand)
Oliva Serie V Melanio cigars are a limited production addition to the ever-popular Oliva Serie V brand. This box-Pressed cigar was created to celebrate the Oliva family patriarch Melanio Oliva, who grew tobacco in the Pinar Del Rio region of Cuba back in the 1800's. The Oliva Serie V Melanio Gran Reserva Limitada is made entirely of Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos grown by the Oliva's. The cigars are then cloaked in Sumatra-seed wrapper grown by the Oliva's in Ecuador. The Oliva Melanio marks the first time Oliva has used this coveted wrapper tobacco on one of their cigars, and the results couldn't be more impressive. The binder and fillers are made with a well-aged Nicaraguan blend that emphasizes tobacco from the Jalapa Valley region in Nicaraguan. The Oliva Serie V Melanio cigars are a highly rated and sort after cigar, so grab a box while you can, because they won't be around for long!
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