Oliva has emerged as one of the finest cigar makers in Nicaragua over the last 20 years. From their humbled beginnings of making inexpensive bundled cigars to where they are today, making some of the very best highly rated cigars, including winning Cigar Aficionado’s coveted ‘#1 Cigar of the Year’ back in 2014.
The Gilberto Oliva Reserva Blanc is the newest creation from this legendary company, the line honors the Oliva’s family patriarch, Gilberto Oliva who helped transform the company as an outstanding tobacco grower and cigar maker. The Gilberto Oliva Reserva Blanc is another outstanding premium cigar line, comprised of selected high quality long-filler tobaccos from Ecuador and Nicaragua and cloaked in a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper leaf.
The result is a medium-bodied cigar that’s loaded with an array of balanced flavors. Notes of nuts & spices shine in this blend, followed with a creamy smooth elegant finish, a box worthy cigar for sure. The cigars come packaged in 20-count boxes and available in 5 popular sizes; Corona, Churchill, Robusto, Toro & Torpedo.
- Shape:
- Corona
- Size:
- 5 3/4 x 43
- Strength:
- Mild - Medium
- Country of Origin:
- Nicaragua
- Wrapper:
- Ecuadorian Connecticut
- Color:
- Colorado Claro
- Binder / Filler:
- Ecuador / Nicaragua
- Grade:
- Hand Rolled / Long Filler
- Blender:
- Oliva Cigar Co.