Oliva is one of the most consistent cigar manufacturers around. They achieve this consistency through the vertical integration of their tobacco operation. They grow and age many of the tobaccos they use to blend their excellent and well-regarded cigars.
Hand made in Esteli, Nicaragua, the Oliva Connecticut Reserve features an Ecuadoran-grown Connecticut shade grown wrapper around perfectly blended Nicaraguan fillers and a Nicaraguan binder. The color of these stogies is a delight to behold: deep gold with the slightest hint of oiliness. The well-packed cigars burn evenly and produce an ash with staying power. The taste ranges from peppery at the beginning to a toasted nut flavor that turns buttery, followed by a pleasant lingering sweetness at the end.
Oliva Reserve Connecticut White Label; an entry level cigar that is Mild and smooth, The Oliva White Label Connecticut is wrapped in a light Connecticut wrapper grown in Ecuador, binder and fillers grown in Nicaragua gives this cigar nice flavor with an overall Mild strength profile.