Montecristo Espada Cigars Magnum Especial 6x60
Montecristo Espada is the newest line to come from one of the best-known names in the cigar world. Espada, meaning sword in Spanish, it’s the first Montecristo to be induced made entirely of Nicaraguan tobaccos from both the Jalapa and Condega growing regions. The blend is made using the finest hand-selected tobaccos, these tobaccos include a vintage 2010 Jalapa Habano, a Habano Jalapa binder from 2009 holds together three complex vintage filler tobaccos from 2008; the first, a Jalapa Habano Seco, the second a Jalapa Habano Viso Ometepe 2008, the final tobacco used is a Habano Condega Ligero used for its strength completes this exquisite blend. Montecristo Espada cigar is bold and spicy, showcasing its Nicaraguan roots, delivering a good amount of strength that lives up to its name. For those of you looking for a Montecristo closer to its Cuban roots you have to give this full flavored and bodied Montecristo a shot. Blended by Grupo De Maestros and expertly constructed with care by the Plasencia family. The Monetcristo Espada is available in ten count boxes and three current vitolas; Ricasso 5x54, Guard 6x50, and Quillon 7x56.