La Galera Anemoi Cigars
Jochy Palma for some may be a new name in the cigar biz, but Jochy has been around for some time now and has been making and growing tobacco for decades, and continues to run the family business Tabacalera Palma, that was established in 1936. Some of the leading brands in the industry utilizes Jochy’s tobaccos grown on his Dominican farms; and some of the finest farms in the Dominican. Brands like La Flor Dominicana, Aging Room are just a few in his long portfolio. Most of what Jochy produced was sold to the European market, that is until now. La Galera is his signature line, and for the first time introduced to the U.S. market.
La Galera Anemoi bases it name on ancient Greek mythology, the Anemoi were wind gods given names that represented the cardinal direction from which their breezes came. Due to the influence that the wind could have on everyday life, the Greeks worshipped the Anemoi to a degree. Winds can also play a minor role in how well a field of tobacco grows, hence the name. La Galera Anemoi uses Dominincan tobaccos grown by Blanco for its filler and binder. The filler is a mix of Criollo ’98 and Piloto Cubano grown in La Canela, while the filler is a Corojo binder from Blanco’s farm in Jacagua. These tobaccos are covered by a dark, oily Connecticut broadleaf wrapper that has been aging for many years.
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