La Flor Dominicana Oro cigars are blended similarly to LFD's award-winning Coronado but with the addition of a Nicaraguan Habano Sun Grown wrapper from the higher primings of the tobacco plant. These high-priming leaves deliver more flavor and strength, which creates a more full-bodied smoking experience.
The LFD Oro's binder and fillers are harvested from Litto’s La Canela farm in the Dominican Republic, which has become world famous for its spicy, yet balanced characteristics. The wrappers are beautiful with a wonderfully oily, medium brown hue.
The Oro is also offered with a maduro wrapper, which provides many of the same flavors, but with the added dimension of aged maduro tobacco. The La Flor Dominicana Oro delivers a spicy punch with hints of coffee, sweetness, which mellows to a pleasant flavor and long finish. La Flor Dominicana Oro cigars come packed in 5 count boxes, each cigar in a gold aluminum tube.
La Flor Dominicana Oro cigars are blended similarly to the Coronado blend but with the addition of a Nicaraguan Habano Sun Grown wrapper from the higher primings of the plant which delivers more flavor and strength. The LFD's Oro binder and fillers are harvested from Litto’s La Canela farm in the Dominican Republic. The wrappers are beautiful with a wonderful oily medium brown hue, and the maduro a few shades darker. The cigar delivers a spicy punch with hints of coffee, sweetness and mellows to a pleasant flavor and long finish. La Flor Dominicana Oro cigars come packed in 5 count boxes each cigar comes in a gold aluminum tube.