One of the leaders of the strong cigar trend of the past decade, La Flor Dominicana Ligero is a full-bodied smoke blended with some of the most flavorful Dominican leaves grown on Litto Gomez's La Canela farm.
Ligero is not a variety of tobacco, but instead is the top priming from the tobacco plant which receives the most sunlight and provides plenty of strength and rich flavors.
On top of the Dominican filler and binder is an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. These aren't traditional Dominican cigars that used to come out of the country. These cigars provide plenty of complex power with an earthy and spicy signature. If you like full-bodied and full-flavored cigars, then pick up the LFD Ligero. Recommended for experienced smokers.
The new LFD L- Granú is the largest vitola release to date from Litto Gomez owner of La Flor Dominicana cigar brand. As we have seen a growing number of super sized smokes continuing to be produced it doesn’t look to be slowing down at all, this trend may be here to stay. It’s tricky to blend a heavy hand of ligero tobacco in such a large ring gauge while still keeping a quality burn due to the lack of combustibility of ligero tobacco. But after many blend configurations Litto got it right, creating the LFD L- Granú in a hefty 6 x 64 sized full bodied ligero powerhouse. These full bodied ligero tobaccos that make up both the binder and filler are wrapped in beautiful high priming Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, the same used on the regular Ligero line producing LFD’s fattest and strongest Ligero yet. You’ve been warned and make sure to have a good solid meal before lighting up this beast of a cigar. The cigars come packaged in boxes of 100 cigars.