La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero
Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars of 2019 - No. 12 Rated 93
Cigar Aficionado #23 Cigar of the Year 2017 Rated 91
Litto Gomez might be credited with making "ligero" the buzzword that it is today in the cigar world. Ligero refers not to a specific type of tobacco, but instead to the top priming of leaves on the tobacco plant. These leaves receive the most sunlight and provide a distinctly powerful and spicy tobacco flavor.
Litto Gomez, deciding to push the envelope, doubled the amount of ligero found in many cigar blends, including his own LFD Ligero, in order to create the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero. These cigars are packed with the finest ligero tobaccos from Gomez's La Canela farm in the Dominican Republic and wrapped in either a sun-grown Ecuadorian Natural or a dark Ecuadorian Maduro wrapper leaf. La Flor Dominicana's Double Ligero continues to be one of the most popular choices for cigar smokers who enjoy full-bodied smokes full of rich earth and spicy flavors.