Joya De Nicaragua Silver Cigars
Cigar Aficionado's 2021 "Cigar of the Year" No. 16 - 93-Rating
Joya de Nicaragua Silver is a new release from Nicaragua’s oldest cigar factory. Joya de Nicaragua has built a reputation on making bold, full bodied cigars with a heavy dose of ligero tobaccos. The Joya de Nicaragua Silver is a box pressed beauty that delivers a dynamic complexity of fresh spice, chocolate and cherry notes. The Silver is comprised of an oscuro upper-priming wrapper that showcases the perfect complement between the richness of the Nicaraguan fillers and the refined sweetness of the Ecuador grown wrapper and Mexican binder. The result is a medium to full body smoke that delivers complex & balanced flavors. This blend is sure to capture new and old fans of this historic brand.
Cigar Aficionado Review: "This softly pressed robusto burns and draws evenly, starting with light cocoa and earth before intensifying to show richer notes of roasted coffee, dark chocolate and dark fruits. A definitive layer of crème brûlée adds sweet elegance to the smoke."