Joya De Nicaragua Antano 1970 Cigars
These dark, oily and full-bodied cigars were made to restore the reputation of this storied brand that was decimated for many years while Nicaragua was in turmoil. They were originally hand rolled in Nicaragua first cigar factory, built in 1964, and have even been enjoyed in the White House, since they first came on the market. Joya de Nicaragua means "Jewel of Nicaragua," and if you try these, you'll find out why the name is appropriate. These cigars have become one of the most well-regarded Nicaraguan cigars on the market. The wrapper is a Nicaragua-grown Habano Criollo and the binder and filler are both Nicaragua Habana. This is a high-proof, muscular cigar the sort of smoke the old Havana rollers used to construct for themselves to enjoy when the work day was done. Grab some while they are available, because they do not sit on the shelves for long.
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