Gurkha Cigar Company has introduced its fifth installment in the Cellar Reserve line, the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Year. This limited production cigar utilizes 21 Year-old aged Dominican and Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos. This cigar is wrapped in a Connecticut Shade leaf, marking the first Connecticut Shade offering in the Cellar Reserve line. The cigars are smooth & creamy with a nutty flavor profile, a very balance and elegant cigar with a clean finish. The cigars come packaged in 20 count crate style boxes.
Buy GURKHA CELLAR RESERVE 21 YEAR Cigars Online from, the Leader in Discount Cigar Prices. Shop our Site Today for the Best Cigar Prices on the Net! Always Shipped Fast & Fresh Right to Your Door.
- Shape:
- Perfecto
- Size:
- 6 x 58
- Strength:
- Medium
- Wrapper:
- Connecticut Shade
- Binder / Filler:
- Dominican Republic / Nicaragua
- Color:
- Colorado Claro
- Grade:
- Hand Rolled / Long Filler
- Blender:
- K. Hansotia
- Country of Origin:
- Dominican Republic