Davidoff Cigarillos are some of the most popular little cigars in the world. Why? Because they don't cut corners just because these aren't "premium" cigars. Call them "premium" cigarillos if you'd like, because that what these are. Davidoff takes Caribbean, Indonesian and Brazilian tobaccos and rolls them in high-quality Sumatran wrappers. These cigarillos are smooth and slightly sweet and produce a very pleasant smoking flavors and aromas.
Hand-rolled with the same outstanding short filaments of the tobacco leaves wrapped in the Davidoff No. 2, the Petit Panetela format of Primeros buoys the aficionado in search of time beautifully filled. Wrapped in a Connecticut Ecuador leaf. The binder is a San Vicente, while the filler is Dominican San Vincente, Olor and Piloto tobaccos. The size of this Petit Panetela is 4 1/8 x 34 and is available in 6 count tins. Perfect for a quick smoke.