Davidoff Premium Selection 9 Cigar Assortment
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Davidoff Premium Selection 12 Cigar Assortment
From Davidoff, a United States exclusive gifting selection offered in a beautiful wooded gift box containing Davidoff's assorted best- sellers and featuring information about the cigars on the
back and on the inlay, making for the perfect gift for the ultimate aficionado.
Each Sampler Box Contains:
1 - Signature No. 2
1 - Signature 2000
1 - Signature 4000*
1 - Grand Cru No. 4*
1 - Grand Cru No. 2
1 - Aniversario Short Perfecto
1 - Aniversario Special R
1 - Anniversaries No. 3
1 - Aniversario Special T
1 - Millennium Petit Corona
1 - Millennium Robusto
1 - Millennium Piramides
* Only available in Sampler