The Casa Fernandez Miami Reserva Maduro is a line extension of the massively popular Miami Reserva. The addition of a Mexican San Andres wrapper sets the Miami Reserva Maduro apart from its predecessor, but you'll still find the same great strength and quality production in the Maduro. These full-bodied cigars deliver hearty rich maduro flavors that are balanced with strength and spiciness from an all Nicaraguan core. Few companies have the access to tobacco like Casa Fernandez, which gives them the advantage of making their cigars both unique and consistent.
These cigars are comprised of tobaccos from two regions in Nicaragua from four separate farms. The cigars are then rolled in Miami by expert Cuban rollers, resulting in a complex, strong cigar with a unique flavor and aroma.
The Casa Fernandez Miami Reserva Maduro cigars are a line extension of the Original Miami Reserva with the addition of a Mexican San Andres wrapper. A Medium-Full bodied smoke that delivers hearty rich maduro flavors that are balanced with strength and spiciness from it all Nicaraguan core. Few companies have the access to tobacco like Casa Fernandez with their huge tobacco growing operation “Aganorsa Leaf,” giving them the advantage of making their cigars both unique and consistent. These cigars are comprised of tobaccos from two regions in Nicaragua from four separate farms. The cigars are then rolled in Miami by expert Cuban rollers, result is a full bodied cigar that’s complex and with a unique Cubanesque flavor and aroma.