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Espinosa Knuckle Sandwich Cigar Spotlight
Diners, drive-ins, and cigars?! That’s right!
Celebrity chef Guy Fieri loves a good cigar and knows a few things about developing world-class flavors. That’s why he chose to collaborate with cigar industry titans like Erik Espinosa and AJ Fernandez for Knuckle Sandwich.
A flavorful, boutique Nicaraguan gem available in three different wrappers. Made at AJ’s San Lotano factory, these stunners will surely deliver you to “flavor town”.
Espinosa Knuckle Sandwich Blend Information
The Connecticut results in a smooth creamy experience with an essence of Nicaraguan spice, overall notes of buttered toast, clean cedar, touches of citrus, and loads of cream through the finish.
The Habano delivers a creamy smoke, with notes of nuts, white pepper and sweet cedar.
While the Maduro, delivers rich notes of spice, dark chocolate and fruit.