The fascinating story of Rocky Patel unfolds against the dynamic backdrop of the 1990s cigar boom.
Once a Los Angeles lawyer with a penchant for the finer things in life, Rocky's journey from courtroom to cigar lounges is nothing short of legendary.
His adventure into premium cigars wasn't just a fleeting hobby.
Rocky's passion ignited as the cigar market flourished, leading him to craft his own legacy in 1996. The launch of Rocky Patel Cigars marked a revolution, forever altering the cigar landscape.
From those early days to the present, Rocky Patel has masterfully blended hundreds of cigars that are sourced with the finest tobacco from every corner of the globe.
His creations aren't just cigars. They are treasures that are consistently ranked among the best by aficionados worldwide.
Are you eager to explore Rocky Patel's world? We've curated a collection of the most beloved and flavorful sticks that promise to impress your taste buds.
Our Top 5 Recommendations for the Best Rocky Patel Cigars
1. Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Gordo
Size: 6 x 60
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Oscuro
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Mexican San Andres Maduro
Coming in at #1 on our list of top Rocky Patel cigars, we have the Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty.
We say Sixty twice because of the name of the cigar (Sixty, of course) and the size of the cigar (Rocky labels all of his 6 inch by 60 ring gauge cigars as being called ‘Sixty’).
The redundancy is funny to say and see in text, but we aren’t kidding when we say that the best way to experience the Rocky Patel Sixty is to smoke the Sixty.
This cigar is a master class in how to produce a top shelf, premium cigar that catches the attention of the entire market.
Rated 96 and ranked #2 on the Cigar Aficionado Top 25 list in 2022, the Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty has made waves since its introduction in 2021 to commemorate Rocky’s 60th birthday.
The Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty is a full-bodied delight that has delicious notes of wood, leather, espresso coffee, and a small touch of black cherry.
As you savor the Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty down to the last draw, the transitions it offers are unmatched by most cigars available today. It is without a doubt one of the best Rocky Patel cigars, and one that you need to grab to experience for yourself.
2. Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Connecticut Robusto
Country of Origin: Honduras
Shape: Robusto
Size: 5 1/2 x 50
Strength: Mild - Medium
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Claro
Binder / Filler: Honduras /Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Connecticut Shade
For those new to the cigar scene and eager to explore Rocky Patel's creations, the Vintage 1999 Connecticut Robusto is the perfect introduction.
This mild, creamy cigar is cloaked in a light and beautiful Connecticut shade wrapper, which makes the flavor so approachable.
Delicious alongside a cup of coffee or your favorite spirit, this cigar tantalizes the palate with warm notes of toast, wheat, and cream, offering a glimpse into Rocky Patel cigars' rich flavors and complexity.
Smoking the Vintage 1999 Connecticut Robusto is an essential experience for those seeking a smooth, mellow smoke ideal for any moment of the day.
3. Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Torpedo
Country of Origin: Honduras
Shape: Torpedo
Size: 6 1/4 x 52
Strength: Mild - Medium
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Honduras /Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Honduran Broadleaf
Expanding the Vintage series, the Vintage 1990 Torpedo showcases a 12-year-old Honduran Broadleaf wrapper. This wrapper is famed for its subtle sweetness, which can be tasted even before you light the cigar.
The Vintage 1990 Torpedo stands out as a unique find. It's a dark cigar that defies expectations with a milder strength than you would expect from most darker cigars.
As far as taste goes, you'll be pleased to discover notes of nuts, caramel, and natural sweetness dancing off of this stick's smoke.
4. Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Robusto
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Robusto
Size: 5 x 50
Strength: Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Maduro
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua /Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Honduran Broadleaf
Speaking of dark cigars, how about a heavy hitter?
The Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Robusto is one of the most potent cigars on the market. It's also one of the best sun-grown choices you can make when searching for your next full-bodied cigar.
Rated 95 and ranked as the #2 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado in 2016, the Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Robusto is a triple-capped broadleaf delight with notoriety across the entire cigar industry.
When you light up this stick, you can expect both sweet and spicy flavor notes. The sweetness of this cigar comes from the aged broadleaf wrapper, while the spicy elements come from the complex Nicaraguan tobacco that encompasses this cigar.
You'll also find dark chocolate, earthy tones, a touch of leather, and a hint of black pepper in the background, which meld beautifully with the evolving flavor found only in the Sun Grown Maduro Robusto.
The Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Robusto is a must-try if you're a fan of full-bodied cigars.
5. Rocky Patel Number 6 Corona
Country of Origin: Honduras
Shape: Corona
Size: 6 x 44
Strength: Medium
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua /Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Honduran Corojo
Occasionally, a cigar comes along that suits your taste in a smaller size, such as a Short Robusto or Corona. The Rocky Patel Number 6 Corona exemplifies how a modestly sized cigar can deliver abundant flavor and complexity.
The Number 6 is a standout in Rocky's collection. It strikes the perfect balance of medium-body intensity and a distinct citrus flavor note, a characteristic that truly shines in only the finest Honduran-based cigars on the market.
Earning a 95 rating and securing the #9 spot on the Cigar Aficionado 2020 Cigar of the Year list, this cigar has had a significant impact since its debut. Labeling it as one of the premier Corona-sized offerings in the premium cigar industry is easy.
Along with the notable citrus, you'll find delicate honey notes and the natural sweetness that has become textbook in Rocky's more premium blends. Together, these flavors culminate in a smooth vanilla finish.
Indulge in the Number 6 to unlock a world of exceptional flavors and intricate complexity.
Exploring Rocky’s Cigar Portfolio
The buzz around Rocky Patel cigars isn't just noise—it's because they consistently rank among the most flavorful and reliable cigars on the market.
Our selection of the top Rocky Patel cigars is perfect for anyone excited to dive into the extensive Rocky Patel range. These cigars are universally appealing, designed to delight aficionados across all levels of experience and taste preferences.
Are you looking for the ideal companion for your favorite beverage or simply aiming to fill your humidor with premium selections? Rocky Patel cigars are your go-to, promising a pleasant cigar break with any choice you make.
It's clear why enthusiasts are always excited about what Rocky Patel will come up with next.