Situated between Honduras and Costa Rica, Nicaragua holds the title of the largest country in Central America.
It boasts around twenty volcanoes, extensive tropical forests, and Central America's two largest lakes, Grand Lac du Nicaragua and Lake Managua; hence nicknamed the land of lakes and volcanoes.
Nicaragua offers more than its stunning lakes and lush forests. It stands out as the leading exporter of premium cigars to the United States, boasting a significant 52.5% market share in 2022. Moreover, it is renowned for producing some of the best cigars in the world.
This is primarily due to the mineral-rich soil found in Nicaragua, which offers the perfect foundation for cultivating world-class cigars.
Nicaraguan cigars hold a revered spot among discerning aficionados, challenging even the legendary Cuban cigars in quality and flavor.
But what fuels this remarkable allure? What experiences do these cigars offer?
Uncover the secrets behind their widespread acclaim in this guide, which also features our carefully selected list of the 5 best Nicaraguan cigars to try in 2024!
If you want to see our picks right away, here's our recommendations for the best Nicaraguan cigars in 2024:
- Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo (Natural)
- My Father Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo Box Pressed
- Flor de las Antillas Toro
- Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro
- Padrón 1926 Series No. 9 Natural
Keep reading for a brief history of Nicaraguan cigars, a more detailed description of each cigar, and a button to purchase directly.
Key Takeaways
● Nicaragua's cigar industry rose from Cuban expertise and resilience through times of conflict
● The four main tobacco-growing regions of Nicaragua are Estelí, Condega, Jalapa Valley, and Ometepe
● Discover our top 5 picks for the best Nicaraguan cigars, each a "puro" and earning a #1 spot on Cigar Aficionado's top 25 list
Brief History of Nicaragua's Cigar Industry
The roots of Nicaragua's cigar industry can be traced back 64 years.
In the aftermath of the 1959 Castro Revolution in Cuba, Cuban emigrants sought refuge in Nicaragua, bringing along tobacco plants and the expertise they inherited from their rich Cuban heritage.
They started small-scale tobacco plantations, eventually turning Nicaragua into a powerhouse for premium cigars.
Resilience Through Turmoil
Then came civil war, ignited by Sandinista forces in July 1979 which put a halt to the thriving cigar industry in Nicaragua. The conflict left the plantations in Estelí ravaged, forcing tobacco growers to seek refuge in other nations.
To make matters worse, a trade embargo was imposed on Nicaragua by the United States under President Ronald Reagan in 1985 as an effort to impede the recently installed Sandinista government.
Nicaragua's Resurgence in the Cigar World
It wasn't until the war ended in February 1990 that tobacco growers could return to Estelí. The same year, President George H. W. Bush lifted the trade embargo.
With the arrival of the 90s, Nicaragua's cigar industry mounted a revival, riding the surge of the premium cigar boom in the United States.
What Are the Tobacco Growing Regions in Nicaragua?
In Nicaragua, four primary regions are dedicated to growing tobacco: Estelí, Condega, Jalapa, and Ometepe, each infusing its tobacco with unique flavors and distinct tastes.
Estelí Valley
Soil: Dense, clay-like texture.
Tobacco Characteristics: Yields thick, dark tobacco leaves, leading to more robust cigars.
Nestled in the highlands of Nicaragua, Estelí is situated in the north-central part of the country.
Most of the Nicaraguan tobacco is grown here and it has been referred to as the mecca of Central American cigar production.
The soil in Estelí is distinctively dark and fertile, packed with nutrients from the volcanic activity in the area. It's denser and clay-like compared to the soils in other Nicaraguan regions like Condega and Jalapa.
This results in tobacco with a bold, full-bodied flavor. It's often described as robust and spicy, making it highly sought-after to produce more robust, flavorful cigars.
The climate in Estelí has the optimal combination of wet and dry seasons - the ideal conditions for growing tobacco. The dry season is perfect for cultivating and harvesting, while the rainy season ensures the soil retains its fertility.
Dramatic day-to-night temperature swings also contribute to the richness of the tobacco, enhancing the complexity of flavors in the leaves.
Condega Valley
Soil: Sandy and rocky.
Tobacco Characteristics: Medium-body with balance, complexity, and aromatic qualities
Situated north of Estelí, the Condega Valley has a unique soil type crucial for growing tobacco. It's sandy and rocky, unlike Estelí's denser soil, ensuring strong plant roots and superior drainage.
Volcanic nutrients enrich the valley's soil, giving rise to tobacco with a medium body.
Leaves from Condega have a reputation for their balanced aroma and taste. Their smooth flavor profile includes sweet and nutty notes with softer spice than Estelí's. These traits make Condega tobacco a favorite for blenders. It adds complexity to cigars without overpowering the smoker's taste buds.
Jalapa Valley
Soil: Cakey, red, and clay-like.
Tobacco Characteristics: Sweet and powerful leaves with thin textures.
The Jalapa Valley is another Nicaraguan tobacco-growing region located in the north near the border with Honduras. This area is celebrated for its red, clay-like soil, which is well-drained and packed with nutrients.
The climate is characterized by cooler temperatures and consistent rainfall, allowing for a slower maturation of the tobacco plants. These conditions contribute to the developing a smoother and more refined tobacco leaf.
The tobacco produced in the Jalapa Valley is typically known for its complex aromatics and subtle sweetness, often used in premium cigar blends to add a sophisticated nuance.
The leaves from Jalapa are usually lighter in body compared to the robust leaves of Estelí, making them well-suited for wrappers that require a delicate yet resilient quality.
Soil: Rich in volcanic ash.
Tobacco Characteristics: Earthiness and subtle sweet/spicy undertones.
Ometepe is an island formed by two volcanoes rising from Lake Nicaragua in the country's vast freshwater body. This unique geographical setting provides the tobacco grown here with a distinct profile.
Enriched by centuries of eruptions and ash deposits, the volcanic soil is exceptionally fertile and rich in minerals. These factors contribute to tobacco that contains vibrant and dynamic qualities.
The growing conditions on Ometepe are influenced by the micro-climate created by the surrounding lake and volcanic terrain, resulting in a humid and nutrient-dense environment. This allows tobacco plants to thrive, producing leaves with a distinct flavor that's often described as earthy with a hint of sweetness.
In the grand scheme of tobacco production in Nicaragua, Ometepe's contribution is relatively niche but highly valued. The tobacco from this island is prized for its unique taste and is typically used to add a special touch to various cigar blends.
Due to its rarity and the compelling story of its origin, Ometepe tobacco holds a special allure for connoisseurs and is a jewel in the crown of Nicaraguan tobacco production.
Our Top 5 Picks for the Best Nicaraguan Cigars
Nicaraguan cigars are the crème de la crème of the cigar industry. With such massive popularity, it's only natural that many Nicaraguan cigar brands claim to have the best cigars.
We've narrowed our selection to our top five favorites, each earning an impressive #1 spot in Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 rankings.
1. Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo (Natural)
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Torpedo
Size: 6 x 52
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan Habano
Topping our list is the Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo, taking away "Cigar of the Year" in 2021 by Cigar Aficionado with a rating of 97. It was the fourth time the Padrón brand received this prestigious title.
The Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series was created by the company's founder, José Orlando Padrón, and his son Jorge in 1994 to celebrate 30 successful years in the business.
It was Jose's idea to introduce box-pressing for the Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series, making it one of the first Nicaraguan cigar brands to do so. The brand took measures to prevent counterfeiting by double banding and individually numbering each cigar from this line.
The 1964 Anniversary Series showcases the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos, each aged for four years and hand-selected in exclusive small batches for supreme quality. This small batch approach ensures unparalleled attention to detail and quality control.
Smoking the Padrón Torpedo is always a delight. You'll experience rich flavors of chocolate with hints of spice and coffee. The draw and burn of the cigar is perfect, and the only con is that the cigar eventually ends!
Due to its exceptional quality and limited production, the 1964 Anniversary Series is highly coveted and often sells out quickly.
2. My Father Le Bijou 1922 Box Pressed Torpedo
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Torpedo
Size: 6 1/8 x 52
Strength: Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Oscuro
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan Oscuro
Jaime Garcia created the original My Father lineup as a tribute to his father, Jose "Pepin" Garcia. Pepin continued the theme a year later by honoring his father with the 'My Father Le Bijou 1922'.
The torpedo vitola stole the Cigar of the Year title by Cigar Aficionado in 2015 and featured a Nicaraguan blend from top to bottom.
The name is just as memorable as the complex blend, with 1922 representing the day Don Pepin's father was born, while Le Bijou is French for 'the jewel.'
These robust cigars boast a remarkable blend that is rich, complex, and full-bodied, infused with an abundance of pepper and spice. A stunning, dark, oily Nicaraguan Oscuro wrapper encases the aged Nicaraguan fillers and binder.
Crafted at the esteemed My Father Cigar factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, this blend stands out as one of the most full-bodied cigars they produce.
Upon lighting up, the cigar unfurls rich notes of dark chocolate, espresso, and spice, lavishing the palate with depth and intensity. Give this one a try to experience one of the best My Father Cigars ever produced.
3. Flor de las Antillas Toro by My Father
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Toro
Size: 6 x 52
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan Sun Grown
Topping the Cigar Aficionado charts in 2012 as the Cigar of the Year, we have the Flor de las Antillas Toro, a medium to full-bodied gem that comes out from the same My Father cigar factory that produces award-winning cigars that rule the world.
On the band, in the tiniest detail, you can see artwork from the early 19th century, paying homage to early cigar production in Cuba.
The Flor de las Antillas cigar is expertly blended with a variety of rich Cuban seed tobaccos, then wrapped in a sun-gown wrapper from the Garcia-owned 'Lar Marias' farm in the region of Namanji in Esteli, Nicaragua. Everything comes together to produce a cigar that delivers the signature My Father spice with hints of cocoa flavor.
Smokers will savor the rich notes of cedar and a creamy texture that elegantly offsets the lively spices. Undercurrents of dark chocolate and a subtle hint of dried fruit punctuate the experience, while a touch of leather adds depth to this well-rounded and satisfying smoke.
The smoke burns evenly and develops a firm white ash, highlighting the flawless construction of this superb My Father creation.
4. Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Torpedo
Size: 6 x 52
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan Sumatra
Back in 1980, Rafael Nodal was just a Cuban refugee in the United States looking to make a career in music, with little to no knowledge of cigars. In 2011, after facing a lot of turbulence in his Habana Cuba Cigar business, Nodal developed a new brand called the Aging Room Small Batch M356 in partnership with José "Jochy" Blanco. The cigars were a huge success, earning the No. 1 spot as 2019's Cigar of the Year.
The Aging Room name produces cigars at several factories worldwide, but the Quattro Nicaragua is made by A.J. Fernandez in Nicaragua.
This cigar represents Nodal's vision, brought to life by Fernandez's distinct selection of tobaccos and hallmark production techniques.
Each puff of this impeccable creation is a reminder of Nicaragua, with rich notes of dark chocolate and wood, followed by subtle toasted almonds and sweet caramel.
Give one of these a try if you're in the market for a cigar that surprises the senses with its complexity, smoothness, and character.
5. Padrón 1926 Series No. 9 Natural
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Robusto
Size: 5 1/4 x 56
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan Habano
The Padrón 1926 Series further exemplifies the brand's tradition of commemorating significant dates with flair. It was first introduced in 2002 to celebrate the 75th birthday of José Orlando Padrón, the company's founder.
The Padrón 1926 Series is considered a flagship of the Padrón line and is often celebrated as one of the finest cigars in the world. This claim is not just among cigar enthusiasts. Cigar Aficionado fortified it by awarding cigar of the year in 2007 with a 97 rating.
The tobacco used in the 1926 Series No. 9 is made with only the finest aged tobaccos cultivated by Padrón. This isn't an exaggeration, either. Padrón's vertically integrated tobacco operation from seed to box allows them to collect large quantities of premium-quality aged tobacco. In fact, this cigar contains tobacco that has been aged for between 5 to 10 years!
From the first puff, you will experience a complex smoke with perfect balance. This robust and compelling smoke is intricately layered with flavors of dark chocolate, coffee, and sweet, spicy essence.
Driven by an unwavering commitment, the Padrón family dedicates itself to crafting only the most consistently magnificent cigars in the world.
Savoring the Finest Cigars from Nicaragua
Despite the setbacks and challenges over the years, Nicaraguan cigars have become a powerhouse in the cigar industry.
Clearly, the cigars from this vibrant land are more than just smokes—they are stories wrapped in leaves, tales of tradition, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of perfection.
Whether you're a cigar pro or a beginner just starting, exploring these cigars is like taking a journey through the land of lakes, volcanoes, and unmatched tobacco.