Distinguished by their elegance, exceptional craftsmanship, and deep heritage, Montecristo Cigars occupy a unique space in the realm of cigars.
Like aged wine or a masterpiece of art, these cigars encapsulate time-honored tradition and meticulous expertise.
Lighting a Montecristo marks the commencement of a journey—bridging history, culture, and flavor—starting back in the early 1930s in Cuba, where the brand took its first breath.
Key takeaways:
- Montecristo Cigars began in 1935 in Cuba, gaining global acclaim for its luxury and refinement
- Relocated due to the Cuban Revolution, the brand later thrived in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
- The Montecristo brand has appeared 15 times in Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Rankings
- Montecristo's enduring legacy lies in its resilience, cultural impact, global prominence, and unwavering commitment to excellence
- Discover our picks for the top 5 best Montecristo cigars in 2023 available to United States cigar enthusiasts
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Join us as we embark on a journey through time, uncovering the story of Montecristo Cigars. This tale weaves together history's changes, the timeless appeal of luxury, and the artistic excellence of a brand that spans generations.
History of the Montecristo Brand
The legacy of Montecristo dates back to 1935 Cuba when Alonso Menéndez acquired the Particulares Factory, known for producing the Particulares brand.
Menendez joined forces with Jose "Pepe" Manuel Garcia to birth a brand that would eventually earn worldwide acclaim.
While not the oldest brand to originate in Cuba, Montecristo holds a special place as one of the most cherished and revered globally.
Montecristo Naming Origins
During that time, it was common practice for a "lector" (person who reads) to keep the cigar rollers entertained by reading aloud. Without instant access to music, it's not hard to imagine how boredom could easily creep in.
One of the favorite books read by the lectors at the Pariculares Factory was the famous Alexandre Dumas novel "The Count of Monte Cristo."
And that's where Alonso Menendez got his inspiration to name the brand "Montecristo," which translates to Mountain ("Monte") of Christ (Cristo) in Italian. With a stroke of genius, he seamlessly merged the two words into one and a new identity was born.
Rise, Disruption, and Transition
In July of 1936, Menendez and Garcia partnered to establish the firm Menendez, Garcia y Cia. During this period, the Montecristo brand was already experiencing remarkable growth.
In 1937 the firm purchased the struggling H. Upmann Factory in Cuba, where they subsequently moved Montecristo production.
Following the onset of the Cuban Revolution in 1960, Menéndez, his family, and García were forced to flee after Fidel Castro's Government took total control over the Montecristo brand.
Arriving with nearly pennies to their name, the family found their new home in the serene Spanish Canary Islands. However, they soon realized that selling the Montecristo brand there was infeasible due to trademark conflicts with Cubatabaco, the state-owned tobacco agency of Cuba.
But Bejamin Menendez, the son of Alonso, was determined to preserve the Montecristo brand. In 1961, he launched Montecruz - a bold imitation of the Montecristo brand that the family lost in Cuba.
Montecruz was a huge success and quickly became the No. 1 premium cigar in the United States.
Landmark Lawsuit and American Market Montecristo Launch
The Menendez family wasn't ready to give up the fight for the brands stolen from them in Cuba.
In the 1972 legal battle, known as Menendez v. Faber, Coe and Gregg Inc., the Menendez family reclaimed what they had tirelessly worked to establish in Cuba.
Upon winning the case, the brand Cuban Cigar Brands NV was formed. They officially owned the trademark rights to H. Upmann, Montecristo and Por Larrañaga.
It wasn't until 1990 that Consolidated Cigar Corp. (later Altadis after mergers) that the production of Montecristo would reach the American market.
Crafting Iconic Blends
Montecristo's post-exile era saw the brand focusing on crafting exquisite blends that resonated with enthusiasts worldwide.
By experimenting with various tobacco varieties and aging techniques, Montecristo achieved countless unique flavor profiles that balance richness and complexity.
The brand's rise to prominence has been amplified by numerous accolades, including being featured in Cigar Aficionados Top 25 List 15 times in the past 19 years.
Cultural Impact and Enduring Legacy
Beyond the realm of tobacco, Montecristo Cigars left an indelible mark on popular culture. Its cigars became emblematic of luxury, sophistication, and celebration.
The brand's appearances in literature, film, and art elevated its status further, making it an icon that transcended the world of cigars.
Our Recommendations for the Best Montecristo Cigars in 2023
1. Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 Belicoso
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Belicoso
Size: 6 1/8 x 52
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan Habano
Ranked #2 by Cigar Aficionado in 2021, the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua was crafted by skilled cigarmaker A.J. Fernandez at his San Lotano Factory in Ocotál, Nicaragua as a tribute to Montecristo's 85 years of excellence.
To honor the age-old practice of soft-pressing cigars, this celebratory series showcases a flawless cigar with a slightly squared appearance in the classic Cuban style.
Unlike modern box-pressed cigars with more defined angles, these cigars are gently pressed within their dress boxes using a hand press.
This Nicaraguan puro is composed of an intricate blend of the finest tobaccos from A.J. Fernandez's farms. A blend that produces a balanced cigar that is rich, complex, surprisingly smooth, and flavorful to the core.
The dark-brown Nicaraguan Habano wrapper foreshadows the robust strength that accompanies your smoke.
Igniting this cigar reveals a tapestry of flavors, including earth, leather, and red pepper. The finish unfolds with notes of coconut, malted milk, and wood, adding to the complexity.
The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Belicoso stands as an exceptional option when seeking to indulge in one of the world's finest cigars.
2. Montecristo Classic Collection Toro
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Shape: Toro
Size: 6 x 62
Strength: Medium
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado Claro
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic / Dominican Republic
Wrapper Type: Connecticut Shade
The Montecristo Classic Collection Toro represents the second iteration of the reimagined Classic line, a new transformation skillfully orchestrated by the master blender, Jose Seijas.
These cigars are a bit stronger than their original counterparts, partly due to the premium quality aged Dominican fillers and binders used in the blend.
It features a hand-selected Connecticut shade wrapper, which adds a layer of smoothness and elegance to the smoking profile. Despite the use of the lighter wrapper, this cigar delivers a medium-bodied experience, exceeding the original Montecristo Classic in terms of strength and flavor.
The Montecristo Classic Collection Toro embodies a perfect balance and remarkable smoothness, coupled with delightful hints of spice.
Its aroma is nothing short of captivating, making this cigar a refined choice for those who seek a sophisticated smoking experience.
3. Montecristo White Label Toro
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Shape: Toro
Size: 6 x 54
Strength: Mild - Medium
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado Claro
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Ecuadorian Connecticut
The Montecristo White Label is a distinguished offering within the Montecristo brand, known for its timeless appeal and superior craftsmanship.
Widely considered as one of the best beginner cigars, it's renowned for its rich taste and well-rounded smoking experience.
The Montecristo White Label Toro features a pristine Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper, a hallmark of the White Label line.
Beneath the elegant wrapper lies a blend of carefully selected Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers and a Dominican binder. This combination delivers a well-balanced taste, combining subtle notes of wood, nuts, and creaminess with a touch of mild spice.
If you're in pursuit of a cigar that offers abundant flavor while being on the milder side in terms of strength, consider indulging in the Montecristo White Label Toro.
4. Montecristo Espada Oscuro Magnum Especial
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Gordo
Size: 6 x 60
Strength: Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Oscuro
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan Habano
A dream come true for aficionados of bold and robust cigars!
The Montecristo Espada Oscuro is the brilliant outcome of a unique collaboration between Montecristo and the Plasencia family.
At the heart of the Espada Oscuro Magnum Especial lies an expertly cultivated blend of tobaccos, including a captivating, dark Habano Rosado Oscuro wrapper.
The wrapper is skillfully complemented by a selection of Nicaraguan tobaccos for both binder and filler, chosen for their rich and robust character.
Despite being super rich and complex, these cigars are unexpectedly smooth.
The Montecristo Espada Oscuro stands as a testament to the artistry and expertise of both Montecristo and the Plasencia family, making it a must-try for enthusiasts who value refined craftsmanship and bold flavors.
5. Montecristo Epic Toro
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Shape: Toro
Size: 6 x 52
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua, Dominican Republic
Wrapper Type: Ecuadorian Habano
As the demand for rich cigars intensifies in the market, an increasing array of small batch, full-bodied options are emerging. Small batch cigar production typically provides an opportunity for the highest level of quality control.
Among the standout options is the Montecristo Epic—a limited-production cigar boasting a rich, meticulously crafted, medium to full-bodied experience.
The blend employed in the Montecristo Epic is a curated selection of the finest tobaccos hailing from diverse growing regions, contributing to its distinctive flavor profile.
A blend that includes an Ecuadorian Santi Espiritu Habano wrapper grown in Guyaquil, complemented by a Jalapa Nicaraguan binder, and a special assortment of vintage Esteli Nicaraguan and La Canela Dominican Piloto Ligero filler tobaccos.
The outcome is an assortment of intricate, rich flavors spanning nuts, earth, chocolate, fruit and sweet clove, culminating in a smooth finish.
To ensure quality, each Montecristo Epic is hand inspected. Every box comes with a certificate of authenticity, personally signed by the artisan involved at every stage of the cigar's creation. What could be more 'Epic'?