Macanudo cigars have been a staple in the cigar industry for over 50 years. Since its introduction in 1968, they have become one of the world's most recognizable and respected cigar brands.
Macanudo has earned its place among the finest cigar makers with its unwavering commitment to quality and an extraordinary range of handcrafted blends.
In our search for the best cigars, it's hard not to stumble upon Macanudo. The cigars were introduced with enticing, mild, and smooth flavors to appeal to an untapped American market. Many of us can recall savoring a Macanudo as our first smoke.
Join us as we explore the exquisite craftsmanship, irresistible flavors, and legendary reputation that has made Macanudo a timeless symbol of cigar perfection.
In this top 5 best Macanudo cigars review, you'll discover:
- A brief history of Macanudo cigars
- The top rated Macanudo cigar per Cigar Aficionado
- The most popular Macanudo cigar at Atlantic Cigar in 2022
- The best Macanudo beginner cigar
- A bold and rich re-blended Macanudo cigar
- A surprisingly rich yet mellow Macanudo cigar
- A dark, rich limited edition Macanudo cigar
If you prefer, you can skip straight to our picks by clicking this link: Skip to the Top 5 Best Macanudo Cigars
Journey through the History of Macanudo Cigars
The name Macanudo has Latin American origins, meaning "great or extraordinary"—a fitting name for a brand that has earned a reputation for greatness.
Macanudo was originally the name of a frontmark (the shape and size of a cigar) produced in Guatemala by the Cuban brand, "Punch."
The Template Hall Factory in Jamaica eventually acquired the rights to produce the Macanudo brand. In its early stages, it was unknown to most cigar smokers.
General Cigar Co. Purchases Temple Hall Factory
In 1969, General Cigar Co. purchased the Temple Hall Factory in Jamaica. They soon assigned Alfons Mayer and Ramón Cifuentes with the task of creating the new Macanudo.
Mayer started as an apprentice with General Cigar Co. in Cuba in the early 1950s and became a legendary tobacco blender at the company.
Cifuentes is a third-generation master cigar maker from Cuba and was already an established veteran, having been a partner at the acclaimed Partagas cigar brand in Cuba.
As it turns out, the duo were the perfect candidates to transform the Macanudo brand into a worldwide sensation.
Ramón Cifuentes and Alfons Mayer Transform Macanudo Cigars
Mayer and Cifuentes experimented with different blends from around the world in an effort to reinvent the Macanudo brand.
Eventually, they settled on a blend that could please any cigar enthusiast. A luscious recipe of Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Mexico tobaccos that are finished with a flawless Connecticut shade-grown wrapper.
The cigar was massively popular. The smooth, mild flavor and consistent quality quickly propelled the brand to become the best-selling cigar in America.
Production in the Jamaican factory ended in 2000 and everything moved to the Dominican Republic. Eventually, Macanudo phased out the usage of Jamaican tobacco.
Today, the brand offers a wide variety of premium cigars with varying taste profiles, still appealing to beginners and advanced smokers alike.
Our Recommendations for the Top 5 Best Macanudo Cigars in 2023
These exceptional cigars illustrate Macanudo's renowned craftsmanship, ensuring an unforgettable smoking experience.
1. Macanudo Inspirado Orange Churchill
Country of Origin: Honduras
Shape: Churchill
Size: 7 x 49
Blender: General Cigar Co.
Strength: Medium-Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Rosado
Binder / Filler: Honduras / Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Honduras
The Macanudo Inspirado Orange Churchill is the highest-rated Macanudo cigar in the history of Cigar Aficionado's top 25 rankings, receiving a rank of #20 and a rating of 92 in 2017.
Originally released exclusively for European markets in 2014, the line quickly grew in popularity and later expanded its reach to over 40 countries, including the United States.
Handcrafted in Honduras, the binder is Honduran from the Jamastran Valley, and the fillers are Dominican Piloto Cubano, Honduran Jamastran and Nicaraguan Ometepe.
With a medium to full-bodied strength, it features a beautiful shade-grown Honduran Olancho San Agustin Rosado wrapper that gives it its reddish tint.
The result is a flavorful smoke with spicy and earthy notes, accompanied by sweet undertones, creating a well-rounded and enjoyable experience.
The Macanudo Inspirado Orange Churchill is an excellent option when considering the best Macanudo cigars.
2. Macanudo Café Hyde Park
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Shape: Robusto
Size: 5.50 x 49
Blender: General Cigar Co.
Strength: Mild
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Claro
Binder / Filler: Mexico / Dominican Republic
Wrapper Type: Connecticut Shade
The most popular Macanudo cigar at Atlantic Cigar in 2022 and a true classic, the Macanudo Café Hyde Park stands out as one of the best beginner cigars for novice cigar enthusiasts. However, its appeal extends to experienced smokers as they continue to relish its exceptional qualities and flavors.
Although roughly a million are produced yearly, they still deliver exceptional quality and always maintain the high standards that have made Macanudo a trusted name.
Macanudo takes great care in cultivating their own Connecticut Shade wrappers to ensure the use of consistently aromatic tobacco leaves.
The filler comprises select Piloto Cubano Dominican and Mexican tobaccos, aged twice following an old Cuban tradition. Serving as the binder, a Mexican San Andrean leaf that is made exclusively for Macanudo. These cigars are immaculately-constructed, offering a mild and incredibly smooth, relaxing smoke.
For taste profile, you'll find delicate nuances of creamy flavors that dominate the palate, accompanied by subtle notes of cedar, nuts, and a touch of sweetness.
With impeccable quality control, superior flavor, and widespread availability in retail stores, it's no surprise that the Macanudo Café is one of America's top-selling cigars. If you haven't tried the Hyde Park yet, you're in for a treat.
3. Macanudo Inspirado Black Churchill
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Shape: Churchill
Size: 7 x 48
Blender: General Cigar Co.
Strength: Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Maduro
Binder / Filler: Ecuador / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Connecticut Broadleaf
Macanudo completely revamped the Macanudo Inspirado Black in 2017 into a bold and rich masterpiece, merging artistry and innovation.
The fundamental change was in the wrapper—a luscious, dark Connecticut Broadleaf stalk cut. Allowing the leaves to ripen on the stalk makes the flavor more robust and flavorful.
The binder was replaced with an Ecuadorian Sumatran leaf, and the fillers now consist of Nicaraguan tobaccos from Estelí.
The result was a magnificent combination of bold, peppery notes with a subtle sweet earthiness, providing a rich and full-bodied flavor.
In short, Macanudo Inspirado Black is a delight for Macanudo fans seeking a bolder and more satisfying experience.
4. Macanudo Vintage Maduro 1997 Toro
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Shape: Toro
Size: 6 x 54
Blender: General Cigar Co.
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Maduro
Binder / Filler: Honduras / Nicaragua, Brazil, Dominican Republic
Wrapper Type: Connecticut Broadleaf
Next up, the Macanudo Vintage Maduro 1997 Toro. A dark, rich cigar that was the first maduro released for the highly anticipated limited edition Macanudo Vintage series.
This exceptional blend showcases an aged Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper from a small 1997 harvest. Carefully hand-selected and extensively fermented, the wrapper unveils its natural oils and dark rich flavor.
The fillers, sourced from Nicaragua, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic, are meticulously chosen and paired with a Honduran Havana Talanga binder.
The outcome is a beautifully balanced cigar with a smooth texture that delivers the delightful richness of a Broadleaf wrapper and bears the distinct maduro flavor. In the finish, it all culminates together with natural sweetness from the wrapper.
If you're on the hunt for a complex, bold, and rich smoke, satisfy your senses with the Macanudo Vintage Maduro 1997 Toro.
5. Macanudo Maduro Gigante
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Shape: Gordo
Size: 6 x 60
Blender: General Cigar Co.
Strength: Mild - Medium
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Maduro
Binder / Filler: Mexico / Dominican Republic
Wrapper Type: Connecticut Broadleaf
Rarely do you encounter a cigar that seamlessly combines richness and mellowness to create an incredible smoking experience. The Macanudo Gigante defies expectations with its remarkable flavor profile.
Uniquely crafted by Macanudo, this maduro blend strikes a delicate balance of mellow character without compromising the expected richness.
The blend contains a double-fermented fusion of Cuban seed Dominican and Mexican long-filler tobaccos skillfully combined with a Mexican San Andrean binder.
The tobacco fermentation develops sugars that infuse the signature Macanudo sweetness that envelops the abundant smoke. A rich mocha flavor gracefully joins the typical Macanudo profile, remaining consistent throughout the entire cigar.
Expect to be greeted by a trove of flavors, including notes of dark chocolate, espresso, and subtle spice.
Experience impeccable construction with these firmly packed stogies, ensuring an even burn and the formation of a sturdy ash. If you're searching for a lighter smoke that still packs a punch, give the Macanudo Maduro Gigante a try.