For the distinguished smoker, Davidoff Cigars need no introduction. Synonymous with luxury, and relaxation, the Davidoff Cigar is one of the finest, most exceptional smokes that you can enjoy. For over 20 years, Atlantic Cigar has been offering Davidoff Cigars to our customers for one simple reason. Quality.
"Smoke less, but better. Then turn this process into philosophy."
- Zino Davidoff
This short, simple quote has been the essence of the Davidoff Cigar brand since its start in Geneva during the early 20th century. Davidoff's meticulous attention to quality goes beyond the business of making wonderful cigars. A Davidoff Cigar delivers a unique experience to each smoker.
Before helping you select the best Davidoff cigars, there's a few interesting parts of the Davidoff story that are important to know. For Zino Davidoff, selecting the best Davidoff cigar was no simple matter. Davidoff believed that "a cigar should fit your mood, habits, personality, surroundings."
That's a lot to think about. But, careful attention to details is how Davidoff delivers a complete experience that goes beyond smoking.
After learning a bit about what makes Davidoff Cigars unique, we'll share what we think are the 7 best Davidoff cigar lines. If you prefer to skip straight to our top picks now, click here: Skip to Best Davidoff Cigars
Davidoff offers enthusiasts a range of blends, colors and sizes that deliver a variety of tastes and aromas. We can't pick for you, but we can point you in the right direction.
Understanding the Man Behind the Davidoff Cigar
To fully appreciate everything that's behind the fine craftsmanship and the smooth, rich flavor of Davidoff Cigars, you have to know a little about Davidoff's founder, Zino Davidoff.
Zino Davidoff was born in 1906 in a small village outside Kiev in present day Ukraine. Born into a Jewish family living in the Russian Empire, Davidoff's early years were far from luxurious. In 1911, the Davidoff family fled Russia for Switzerland to escape persecution. Even then, despite their struggles, quality tobacco was a way of life.
Davidoff Discovers a Passion for Tobacco
After settling in Geneva, Zino Davidoff's father, a cigarette maker, opened a family tobacco shop. The small shop provided a simple life for their family. From a young age, Davidoff worked in the shop learning to identify, sort and eventually blend different types of tobacco.
Davidoff's natural curiosity and growing passion for tobacco next led him to South America to learn more about the leaf he was beginning to love. There, Davidoff continued his hands-on education spending time working in small cigar shops in Argentina and Brazil, before moving onto Cuba.
Davidoff discovered the array of colors, tastes and aromas that accompany tobacco from different parts of the world. He developed a unique awareness of the different experiences tobacco from various regions can offer. During that trip, Davidoff developed the passion that forms the foundation of Davidoff Cigars.
The Davidoff Cigar Brand
When Davidoff returned to Geneva from Cuba in 1930, he took over his family's shop and started building the brand we know as one of the finest in the cigar world. Even before starting to make his own cigars, Davidoff became well-known for his expertise in world tobaccos and his commitment to simple pleasures.
Having developed his own appreciation for Cuban tobacco, Davidoff began offering Cuban Cigars in his shop that quickly earned him the reputation as having the best Cubans in Europe. People came from around the world not just to purchase cigars, but to spend time with Davidoff.
For Davidoff, it was all part of the experience.
The Davidoff Cigar Experience
Zino Davidoff recognized all that went into the experience of enjoying a fine cigar. To enjoy your smoke fully, it's important that you recognize it as well. Fine tobacco is just one part of it. How you care for your cigars, where you smoke and how you smoke are all equally as critical.
Already one of the world's finest cigar connoisseurs, in 1947 Davidoff's first cigars ‘Château’ and the ‘Grand Cru' were produced in partnership with Cuban cigar makers.
Davidoff was one of the first to see the connection between fine wine and cigars. This connection became a lasting part of the Davidoff brand. The original lines ‘Château’ and the ‘Grand Cru' were inspired by French Bordeaux, and many Davidoff labels carry the names of famous French wine estates.
Whether you smoke an aged Davidoff Cuban, or a Davidoff that was recently hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic, you will notice a uniquely rich, yet clean and refined flavor in each and every cigar.
Davidoff Label Cigars
Davidoff's cigar shops thrived in Europe and his reputation grew thanks to the ‘Château’ and the ‘Grand Cru'. In the late 1960s Davidoff created his first cigars under the Davidoff label, the No.1, the No.2, and the Ambassadrice produced in partnership with Cubatabaco, Cuba's state tobacco monopoly.
From the very start, Davidoff's commitment to using the finest tobacco and highest standards has allowed them to grow into one of the premier cigar makers in the world, offering a cigar for every sophisticated smoker.
After being produced in Cuba until 1990, Davidoff cigars are now handmade in the Dominican Republic under the supervision of master blender Hendrik "Henke" Kelner. Davidoff cigars are hand-rolled, and aged to ensure they arrive in your hands at the peak of flavor and complexity.
Davidoff provides cigar enthusiasts with many options to explore.
Davidoff Cigars Are One of Life's Simple Pleasures
The Davidoff Cigar brand is about more than just the cigar. This luxury cigar embodies how Zino Davidoff lived his life, a simple pursuit for life's pleasures.
Davidoff's approach is more comprehensive than simply focusing on the smoke, and connects with the people that share their founders lasting passion. Lighting a stogie is a ritual, and when smoking a Davidoff, the aficionado thinks about more than just the cigar. To deliver a pleasurable experience, your cigar has to account for how you're feeling, who you are smoking with and your setting.
Zino Davidoff wrote in his book The Connoisseur's Book of the Cigar, "A cigar cannot truly be enjoyed without contemplation, without thinking. You cannot smoke anything at any time, in any place. A cigar should fit your mood, habits, personality, surroundings."
As the Davidoff Cigar brand grew from a single family shop, to a world renowned manufacturer of hand-made cigars and luxury cigar accessories, Davidoff's commitment to curate a unique expertise and passion into a complete experience is un-waivered, even after Zino Davidoff's passing.
And although Davidoff also wrote,
"I have had to refuse service to valets because no honest man will have his servant choose his cigars," he was all about cigar talk with a fellow aficionado.
So we can give you some recommendations, one cigar enthusiast to another.
Here's our top 7 best Davidoff Cigars -- but you be your own judge, the way Zino Davidoff would have liked it!
Our Recommendations for the Top 7 Best Davidoff Cigars
Davidoff Cigars offer a variety of high-quality smokes from their "white label" lines that include the classics, to limited edition releases. When selecting the best Davidoff cigar, remember there's a "right" cigar for every occasion.
With Davidoff, your journey to find your perfect cigar is guaranteed be an enjoyable one.
1. Davidoff Signature Series
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Blender: Davidoff
Strength: Mild
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado Claro
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic / Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
For those looking for a milder smoke, the Davidoff Signature Series may be your best option. In fact, this is the mildest Davidoff option on our list. The Davidoff Signature Series is a blend which combines the Davidoff Classic & Thousand Series.
Featuring a Ecuadorian Connecticut Wrapper, and Dominican Republic binder and filler, it's one of the mildest in Davidoff's core lineup, but still offers full flavors.
The blend delivers notes of white pepper, wood, and a natural sweetness combined with a creamy finish. If you are looking for a refined, pleasant, cigar that offers a balanced, mild smoke the Davidoff Signature series offers superb options.
2. Davidoff Aniversario Series
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Blender: Davidoff
Strength: Medium
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado Claro
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic / Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
The Aniversario Series is one of our favorite, made specially for Zino Davidoff’s 80th birthday in 1986. The Davidoff Aniversario is a rich, well-balanced, medium bodied cigar. The Aniversario Series offers a complex flavor profile, with notes of cedar, leather, and a hint of spice.
The smoke is creamy and smooth, with a pleasant aroma that lingers in the air. Whether you're a novice or an experienced smoker, the Davidoff Aniversario Series is sure to please.
This timeless cigar is best for the most worthy moments.
3. Davidoff Grand Cru Series
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Blender: Davidoff
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado Claro
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic / Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut Sungrown
Experience the ultimate in luxury with Davidoff Cigars Grand Cru Series. Hand-rolled with the finest Ecuadorian Connecticut Sungrown wrapper, these cigars are sure to please even the most discerning of cigar aficionados. The Dominican Republic binder and filler provide a medium to full-bodied smoke.
The Davidoff Grand Cru Series has a luxurious Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. Combined with an aged Dominican filler, the Davidoff Grand Cru delivers a nice full-flavored profile.
You'll enjoy solid medium-bodied strength, with nutty flavors, spicy back notes, and a natural sweet finish.
4. Davidoff Millennium Series
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Blender: Davidoff
Strength: Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic / Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sungrown
The Davidoff Millennium Blend is claimed to be one of the strongest Davidoff in production. Despite the full body, this premium cigar has the balance to round off the profile.
Rolled in a beautiful, seamless sun grown wrapper from Ecuador, the Davidoff Millennium is a true masterpiece in the cigar culture. The flavor profile of the Davidoff Millennium is what makes this one of the best Davidoff cigars.
It starts off with a strong, earthy flavor that is complemented by a hint of pepper and spice. As the cigar progresses, the flavor profile develops into a creamy, nutty flavor with a hint of sweetness.
With a unique blend of Dominican and hybrid tobaccos, the Davidoff Millennium is sure not to disappoint.
5. Davidoff Nicaragua Series
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Blender: Davidoff
Strength: Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic / Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano Rosado
Davidoff Master Blenders went on an exploration for a new type of blend that would stimulate both the bitter and sweet taste buds.
Finally, they found it in Nicaragua, where the earth is infused by the fiery activity of some of the country’s forty volcanoes. This blend of 100% Nicaraguan tobacco starts off spicy and peppery at the beginning, before evolving into a pleasant smoke with the familiar delight of the dual Davidoff sweet and dark bitter chocolate notes.
One of Davidoff’s first all Nicaraguan blends, and a must try for every aficionado looking for an intense complexity flavors with the high-quality Davidoff puts behind every cigar.
6. Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Blender: Davidoff
Strength: Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Oscuro
Binder / Filler: Mexico / Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut Sungrown
Davidoff Winston Churchill pays homage to one of the greatest minds during WWII. The Band itself also has a silhouette of Sir Winston Churchill. Both lines are just as complex as “The British Bulldog” himself.
The Winston Churchill The Late Hour is unique, like the man. The Winston Churchill series of cigars are blended with tobacco aged in finest Scotch single malt whisky casks. This helps bring a unique complexity, depth and of flavor to the blend of unique bold aged tobaccos.
It has an earthy flavor with notes of leather, wood, and a hint of sweetness. The smoke is creamy and smooth with a pleasant aroma.
7. Davidoff Limited Editions
Some of the very best vintage tobaccos are used for these special cigar releases that come out yearly or seasonally.
That's why the 7th cigar in our top 7 best Davidoff cigars is more of a tip than a top cigar. The tip?
Always be on the look out for the yearly & seasonal limited-edition releases. They're offered in extremely limited quantities and highly sought after by cigar collectors and enthusiasts.
One of our favorites, and one of the most popular releases is Davidoff’s yearly edition that celebrates the Chinese zodiac. Each yearly release redefines the standard of luxury with exquisite blends and product packaging. Davidoff’s 2023 “The Year of the Rabbit Limited Edition,” marks the eleventh release to date in this offering.
As an aficionado, it's always fun bragging to your friends about the limited edition releases you were able to get your hands on!
Enjoy the Davidoff Experience
One of the best parts about Davidoff Cigars is that you really can't go wrong. The elegance, sophistication and pleasurable smoking experience instilled by Zino Davidoff is a timeless component of each hand-rolled masterpiece that leaves the Davidoff factories.
Today, Davidoff cigars are enjoyed by aficionados globally and the brand continues to innovate and expand its product line, offering a diverse range of cigars in various sizes, wrappers, and flavors.
Since the Davidoff brand has some of the most sought-after cigars in the world, be sure to enter your email address in the space provided on any of our out-of-stock product pages to get notified when items are in stock.
With our recommendations in hand, it's time to explore the perfect Davidoff cigar for your personal taste. Take some time to try out a few different options and find the best cigar that truly speaks to you.