Arturo Fuente has grown to become one of the most popular cigar brands in the world. Known for their superior quality and attention to detail, the legendary Fuente family has been making high-quality cigars from the Dominican Republic for generations.
The brand has won numerous awards and accolades for its quality and consistency, including the 2021 Large Factory of the Year. This award takes into account innovation, continued quality, and industry impact. Additionally, Arturo Fuente cigars have appeared over a dozen times on the Cigar Aficionado's top 25 list in the past 18 years.
What makes this iconic brand a favorite of so many cigar aficionados is its wide range of premium cigars made with only the finest hand-selected tobacco leaves. Skilled artisans meticulously craft every cigar to produce an exceptional product with a unique and flavorful smoking experience. With so many options from the celebrated Arturo Fuente brand, it can be challenging to find the next best option to add to your humidor.
At Atlantic Cigar, we have over 20 years of experience in the cigar industry and are here to help you with your selection. Feel free to keep reading to discover a brief history of the Arturo Fuente brand and our top 5 favorite picks every cigar lover should try.
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The History of Arturo Fuente Cigars
The Arturo Fuente family-owned brand has a long and storied history, beginning with Arturo Fuente, who immigrated to the United States from Cuba in the early 1900s.
Arturo started working in the cigar industry at a young age. In 1912 at the age of 24, he founded A. Fuente & Company in Ybor City, Florida. The same year, he opened his own cigar factory in West Tampa, Florida producing handmade cigars with Cuban tobacco. The company experienced great success in the early 20th century, reaching its peak in 1922 with 500 employees.
In 1924, the family faced a significant setback when a fire destroyed the factory, resulting in a total loss. However, this was only a speed bump in the Fuente family's grand vision of becoming a global dynasty in the premium cigar industry.
Carlos Fuente Takes Over the Company
In 1956, Carlos Fuente, one of Arturo's two sons, became the sole owner of A. Fuente & Company, after accepting an offer from his father and buying out his brother, Arturo Jr. for $1. With Carlos at the helm during the Cuban trade embargo in 1962, he made some risky business decisions that later paid off and solidified his reputation a trusted producer of high-quality cigars in the industry.
After the Cuban trade embargo halted Cuban blends, the predominant source of tobacco blends at the time, Carlos Fuente experimented with growing tobacco in new territories like Honduras and Nicaragua in search of desirable taste profiles.
Disaster struck again in 1978 when the Nicaraguan factory burned down during the Sandinistas Liberation Front rebellion. The Honduras factory also succumbed to a fire in 1979.
Cigar Family Dynasty Lasting for Generations
With bankruptcy looming, Carlos and his son, Carlito, partnered to continue the legacy Arturo Fuente started. In 1980, they opened the Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia. cigar factory in the Dominican Republic. From this factory and several industry partnerships, the brand prospered into the juggernaut that cigar enthusiasts globally have come to admire.
Today, the Arturo Fuente brand is still owned and operated by the Fuente family, with the fourth generation of Fuente family members now involved in the business. The company continues to produce some of the most highly sought-after cigars in the world. The family's dedication to quality and tradition has positioned them as a leader in the premium cigar industry.
Our Picks for the Top 5 Best Arturo Fuente Cigars
1. Fuente Fuente OpusX
Fuente Fuente OpusX is a true masterpiece of cigar-making that was first introduced to the market in 1995. It is widely considered the flagship product of the Arturo Fuente brand due to its flawless construction and exceptional flavors.
The Fuente Fuente OpusX is one of the most sought-after cigars and has received numerous accolades over the years. Various lines consistently rank within the top 15 of Cigar Aficionado's top 25 list. In 2005, OpusX captured the crown as the #1 cigar of the year.
The OpusX line is unique because it is the first-ever true Dominican "Puro." Puro is the Spanish term for "pure," meaning that every component of the cigar is made from tobacco that is purely from the Dominican Republic. Puros are generally considered higher quality because they exhibit more consistency in flavor and character. There was immense skepticism that Carlito Fuente could craft a Puro from the unsuitable growing conditions of the Dominican Republic, but he proved everyone wrong.
The key defining feature and most challenging to produce is the wrapper leaf. Grown at the Chateau de la Fuente family farm in the mineral-rich soil of the Dominican Republic from Cuban seeds, the dark wrapper tobacco is revered for its unparalleled flavor and powerful richness. The Fuente family's expertise and tradition in cigar-making, spanning over a century, is evident in every puff of the Fuente Fuente OpusX.
The harmonious blend of Fuente tobaccos creates a symphony of smooth and bold flavors, culminating in a full-bodied and lingering sweetness.
Additional Details
Strength: Full
Blender: Fuente
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Dominican Sungrown Habano
2. Arturo Fuente Don Carlos
The Arturo Fuente Don Carlos cigar is another highly sought-after cigar made by the Fuente family. Named after its distinguished creator and patriarch of the Fuente family, Don Carlos Fuente Sr., the cigar is widely regarded as one of the most exceptional cigars in the world.
The Arturo Fuente Don Carlos is brilliantly crafted in the Tabacalera A. Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic. It features a blend of the finest hand-selected aged tobaccos and is wrapped in a smooth, oily Cameroon wrapper. This cigar boasts a perfect construction, with an even burn and tight ash that keeps firm through the entire smoke.
The taste profile is medium-bodied with rich flavors of earth, zest, nut, and spices, balanced by a smooth and creamy finish. The rare Cameroon wrapper adds a pleasant sweet-and-sour taste.
Cigar brands that use African Cameroon wrappers are rare because they are expensive and difficult to work with. The wrappers are known for their high quality, but they can be rough in appearance and require delicate handling during fermentation. Despite these challenges, Don Carlos Fuente Sr. crafted a flawless cigar with incredible flavor and quality.
The high-quality tobacco used to make these cigars is only released in small quantities, making them a true luxury among cigar enthusiasts. The superior craftsmanship and unrivaled flavor have cemented the Don Carlos as one of the most coveted smokes in the world.
The Arturo Fuente Don Carlos is a must-try if you're lucky enough to find one in stock and enjoy experimenting with unique flavors in tobacco.
Additional Details
Strength: Medium
Blender: Fuente
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Cameroon
3. Arturo Fuente Añejo
Appropriately named "Añejo," meaning "aged" in Spanish, the Arturo Fuente Añejo is a limited edition luxurious cigar known for its signature rich flavor and smooth smoke.
The cigar uses the same premium quality blend of binder and filler as the OpusX, with the main difference being an aged Connecticut broadleaf wrapper. The wrapper is aged in Cognac barrels for five years. The process imparts a unique, complex flavor profile to the cigar, giving it a smooth, creamy texture and a depth of flavor that is unlike any other cigar on the market.
The Añejo was created partly due to the forces of nature. In 1998, Hurricane George left a trail of destruction in the Caribbean Sea, hitting the Chateau de la Fuente tobacco farm in the Dominican Republic with maximum force. Facing a shortage of wrapper needed for the famed OpusX line, Carlito Fuente brilliantly shifted to an aged Connecticut broadleaf wrapper, and the Añejo was born.
In terms of flavor profile, the Arturo Fuente Añejo cigar boasts a complex full-body, with notes of cognac and sweets such as chocolate and molasses intertwined with hints of spice. The texture is smooth and creamy, with a long, satisfying finish that lingers on the palate. The cognac-aged Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper adds a depth of flavor and a rich, dark color to the cigar.
Overall, the Arturo Fuente Añejo cigar is a true masterpiece of the cigar-making craft that is sure to delight and satisfy the most discerning cigar aficionado. These cigars are usually only released around Father's Day and Christmas, so they tend to be very difficult to find.
Additional Details
Strength: Full
Blender: Fuente
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Maduro
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
4. Arturo Fuente Hemingway
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway series is another pinnacle of craftsmanship and refinement. With its expertly crafted blend of aged Dominican tobaccos and beautifully constructed shape, this cigar is a testament to the Arturo Fuente brand's skill and attention to detail.
First released in 1981, it featured a first-of-its-kind figurado shape that hadn't been around since before the United States-Cuban trade embargo. The popularity of the cigar was amplified globally in 1984 when Cigar Connoisseur Magazine wrote an article highlighting the Hemingway series.
The Hemingway cigar is named after the famed writer Ernest Hemingway, who was known for his love of fine cigars. The cigar is crafted in the tradition of the classic Cuban cigar, with a short, fat shape that is easy to grip and smoke. The draw is effortless, and the smoke is full and satisfying.
The medium body of the Hemingway series makes it quite versatile and appealing to both novices and seasoned smokers alike.
The wrapper comes in two varieties; Cameroon and Maduro. The Cameroon wrapper is made from a rare and delicate Cameroon leaf, adding a hint of sweetness and a rich, buttery texture to the smoke.
Visually stunning with its dark wrapper, the Ecuadorian Maduro is a must-try and adds depth and complexity to the flavor profile. Sweet, earthy, and powerful, this cigar is a gem that offers an excellent burn and develops tight ash.
The filler, a blend of carefully selected aged Dominican tobaccos, adds additional complexity with tastes of wood, nuts, and spice. As you smoke the Arturo Fuente Hemingway, brace yourself for a symphony of flavors that dance across your palate.
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway is a cigar that is truly worthy of its celebrated reputation. Whether you're a seasoned cigar connoisseur or just starting to explore the world of cigars, the medium-bodied Arturo Fuente Hemingway is a delightful addition to your collection.
Additional Details
Strength: Medium
Blender: Fuente
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Cameroon / Maduro
5. Arturo Fuente Sun Grown
Powerful yet remarkably smooth, the Arturo Fuente Sun Grown is expertly blended with the same Dominican binder and filler tobaccos as the acclaimed Gran Reserva. But this time, it comes with a stunning Ecuadorian Sun Grown Habano wrapper.
They were given the name "sun grown" to denote the wrapper tobacco plants grown in direct sunlight, as opposed to "shade grown," which is under a tent-like structure. Sun grown wrappers tend to be darker and exhibit a more robust flavor with a natural sweetness.
Like so many other Arturo Fuente cigars, quality is the cornerstone of this blend. It features impeccable construction and delivers a smooth, even draw when smoked.
Regarding taste, prepare to be subjected to a rich and full flavor that is both bold and refined. Experience a diverse palate of notes, including a base of almonds mixed with earth and wood. Some have remarked that there is even a licorice-like lingering sweetness.
A unique presentation, these cigars are carefully placed in cedar sleeves and have a black-trim band, accentuating Fuente's attention to detail. If you get your hands on the limited-production Arturo Fuente Sun Grown, savor every puff. You'll quickly understand why they are one of the world's most sought-after cigars.
Additional Details
Strength: Medium-Full
Blender: Fuente
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sungrown Habano