Igniting an AJ Fernandez cigar is a moment of pure bliss for a cigar enthusiast.
Each puff is a testament to the Fernandez family's dedication to crafting the highest quality cigars. Since launching in 2015, AJ Fernandez Cigars has been captivating the attention of aficionados around the globe.
A Nicaraguan cigar maker with Cuban roots, Fernandez is cultivating three generations of family knowledge and expertise to deliver the perfect balance of richness and flavor.
In this article, you will learn what makes AJ Fernandez Cigars unique. Then, we'll share our top picks for the best AJ Fernandez cigars.
A.J. Fernandez - Not Your Typical Cigar Maker
Born in Cuba, Abdel J. Fernandez (A.J. Fernandez) learned the art of tobacco cultivation from his grandfather Andres, father Ismael, and other mentors in Cuba.
From the age of 13, Fernandez spent his days after school working on tobacco farms in Havana.
Looking back, Fernandez recalls, "I wasn't interested in anything that wasn't tobacco" (" Moving Mountains", CigarAficionado.com)
While in Cuba, Fernandez began mastering the skills of growing and harvesting fine tobacco. In 2003, A.J. Fernandez immigrated to Nicaragua and began developing his cigar-rolling skills.
Fernandez opened a small factory in Nicaragua where he hand-rolled about 20,000 cigars each month for Plasencia Cigars.
Not only did this provide the opportunity to add to his arsenal of cigar-making skills, but also provided the framework for launching AJ Fernandez Cigars.
The Launch of AJ Fernandez Cigars
Before launching his portfolio of cigars, Fernandez built his cigar factory by making cigars for well-known companies like Plascencia Cigars, Rocky Patel, and Cigars International.
Fernandez built AJ Fernandez Cigars by first building the infrastructure while making cigars for other companies.
Pretty genius, right?
By 2006, Fernandez had ramped up production from his factory to produce over 4 million cigars a year for other companies. Then, Fernandez started acquiring land perfectly suited for growing tobacco.
Since that time, Fernandez hasn't looked back.
His success manufacturing cigars gave Fernandez the freedom to start experimenting on his own. Fernandez was quickly becoming one of the top experts in growing, fermenting, and aging the finest tobacco.
Next, Fernandez began making substantial investments to build out his portfolio of rich soiled farms in all the major growing regions of Nicaragua.
After building his reputation as a premium grower and manufacturer of fine cigars, Fernandez had everything in place to create his lineup of stogies.
In 2015, Fernandez launched his portfolio of premium cigar brands allowing him to pay meticulous attention to detail throughout the entire process of crafting high-quality cigars.
From the soil, all the way through the smoke, A.J. Fernandez's portfolio of cigar brands offers something for every palate.
The Process Behind Top-Rated AJ Fernandez Cigars
The power of the premium cigars AJ Fernandez creates is in the process.
A.J. Fernandez is a master at balancing a cigar and is responsible for every one of the 100,000+ hand-rolled cigars that leave his Nicaraguan factories every day.
What we love most about the best AJ Fernandez cigars is that they are cared for by their creator!
Fernandez personally manages the operations at AJ Fernandez Cigars' factories in Nicaragua, ensuring every cigar that leaves his factories meets the impeccable standards and superior quality that smoking enthusiasts deserve.
Leaders in Innovation and Experimentation
In less than 10 short years, AJ Fernandez Cigars has risen to be among the upper-echelon brands in the cigar world.
Fernandez's passion for fine tobacco, savvy business sense, and meticulous processes all contribute to the company's rapid rise in the industry. But, in our opinion, Fernandez's ability to push the boundaries is most responsible for his success.
A.J. Fernandez is always searching for new ways to deliver new experiences for cigar lovers. Fernandez grows a mix of tobacco styles and is known for experimenting with hybrid seeds that blend various tobacco plants.
That means, when you're searching for the best AJ Fernandez cigars, there's always a new one to try!
Our Picks for the Best AJ Fernandez Cigars
Every cigar that leaves one of AJ Ferandez's factories is a fine, hand-rolled cigar created by artisans using the finest methods for crafting high-quality smokes.
Here are our top choices for the best cigars from AJ Fernandez Cigars.
1. AJ Fernandez New World Dorado
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Blender: AJ Fernandez
Strength: Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan Habano
Box-Pressed: Yes
The New World brand from AJ Fernandez Cigars is the first collaboration between A.J. Fernandez and his father, Ismael. The brand pays homage to the discovery of tobacco and its introduction to the new world in 1492.
Most of the tobacco in the New World Dorado comes from Ferandez's Dorado farm in Esteli, Nicaragua. The tobacco grown there is known for its golden texture and taste.
Hence the name, Dorado, which is Spanish for "golden".
AJ Fernandez New World Cigars are expertly constructed at the San Lotano factory. They feature a Cuban-seed Habano Sun Grown Nicaragua wrapper and a core of all Nicaraguan tobacco grown by A.J. Fernandez.
Cigar Aficionado named the New World Dorado Robusto as the #14 cigar of 2022, rating it at 93. This full-bodied smoke delivers notes of espresso, orange peel, caramel, and nuts.
2. AJ Fernandez Last Call Habano
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Blender: AJ Fernandez
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado Rosado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Ecuadorian Habano Rosado
AJ Fernandez Last Call was originally blended as a small batch for guests at their Nicaraguan factories. But, people loved this cigar so much, it has made its way into their normal lineup.
Last Call cigars are available in a variety of sizes from Chiquitas measuring 3.5x50 to Flaquitas at 6x46.
- Chiquitas – 3.5 x 50
- Corticas – 4 x 52
- Geniales – 4.5 x 48
- Pequeñas – 5 x 46
- Flaquitas – 6 x 46
Our favorites are the Habano Chiquitas.
They're tiny, but fantastic for a fast, flavorful smoke.
The Habano, released in 2016 was the first cigar in the Last Call lineup and features a cool retro-style band.
3. AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes Habano
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Blender: AJ Fernandez
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua, Honduras, Brazil
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan Hybrid
The AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes lineup is a testament to AJ Fernandez's love for all that goes into crafting premium cigars. Considering cigar making as an art form, A.J. Fernandez named the Bellas Artes after Cuba's National Museum.
The artist in Fernandez comes to light with this beauty. The Habano wrapper, referred to as "Rojita" by Fernandez is a hybrid blend of three tobacco strains, Connecticut 8212, Corojo '99, and Havana 2000. The filler is a blend of tobacco from various regions in Nicaragua, with a touch from Honduras and Brazil as well.
After you light up this work of art, you will notice flavors that include wood, pecans, and sweet vanilla. It's a medium-bodied cigar that anyone can enjoy.
4. AJ Fernandez Enclave Broadleaf
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Blender: AJ Fernandez
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Maduro
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Connecticut Broadleaf
AJ Fernandez Enclave is another brand from AJ Fernandez's portfolio. This lineup was created by Fernandez to celebrate the special brotherhood between cigar lovers worldwide.
The Enclave Broadleaf is an extension of the original Enclave line, which is known for its rich flavors and well-constructed cigars.
The AJ Fernandez Enclave Broadleaf features a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, a dark, oily tobacco known for its sweet and earthy flavors. It's the first time that Fernandez has ever used a Connecticut Broadleaf on his cigars.
The wrapper is paired with a Nicaraguan binder and a blend of Nicaraguan fillers from Estelí and Jalapa.
The combination of the Broadleaf wrapper and the Nicaraguan fillers results in a medium to full-bodied cigar that begins with earthy flavors with salty notes, which turns to a sweeter, milk chocolate flavor throughout the smoke.
Named Cigar Aficionado's #19 Cigar of the Year in 2019, the AJ Fernandez Enclave Broadleaf is a spectacular choice when searching for the best AJ Fernandez cigars.
5. Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Blender: AJ Fernandez, Rafael Nodal
Strength: Medium - Full
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Color: Colorado
Binder / Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Wrapper Type: Nicaraguan
The Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro combines the vision of Rafael Nadal, with AJ Fernandez's distinct tobacco. Nadal first created the Aging Room brand in 2011 in the Dominican Republic. That same year, it won the 2011 Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the Year.
Over the years, the brand has produced several lines made by different factories. The Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro is Nadal's line, crafted by Fernandez using his fine Nicaraguan tobacco.
Cigar Aficionado's 2019 Cigar of the Year, the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro is an exquisite masterpiece that received a rating of 96. This cigar is a Nicaraguan puro, with a Nicaraguan filler, binder, and wrapper.
With every draw, rich and dynamic flavors hit your palate. A medium-full body smoke, you'll notice flavors of chocolate, wood, and spice.
The Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro isn't exclusively made as an A.J. Fernandez brand, but definitely, one you want to try.