Macanudo cigars have been a staple in the cigar industry for over 50 years. Since its introduction in 1968, they have become one of the world's most recognizable and respected cigar brands.
Macanudo has earned its place among the finest cigar makers with its unwavering commitment to quality and an extraordinary range of handcrafted blends.
In our search for the
best cigars, it's har…
As cigar enthusiasts, we are always on the lookout for the best cigars on the market. Romeo y Julieta cigars stand out as one of the most iconic brands in the cigar industry, with a rich history dating back to 1875.
In this article, we will review the best Romeo y Julieta cigars you can buy in 2024 that are available to United States customers, along with the extraordinary history and evoluti…
Distinguished by their elegance, exceptional craftsmanship, and deep heritage, Montecristo Cigars occupy a unique space in the realm of cigars.
Like aged wine or a masterpiece of art, these cigars encapsulate time-honored tradition and meticulous expertise.
Lighting a Montecristo marks the commencement of a journey—bridging history, culture, and flavor—starting back in the early 1930s in Cu…
Starting your cigar journey? Choosing the right one can truly enhance your experience.This guide will help you find the perfect cigar, whether you're a newbie or an occasional smoker wanting to explore more.With so many brands, sizes, strengths, and flavors, picking a cigar can feel overwhelming.But don’t worry. We'll explain what you need to know and share our top 10 cigars for beginners to make…
If you enjoy a fine smoke, chances are you're well acquainted with Oliva Cigars.
They're famous for their award-winning blends, smoothness, and rich flavors.
But did you know their story starts in Cuba?The brand's journey began in Cuba over 135 years ago when the Oliva family started growing tobacco. Melanio Oliva first cultivated the fields in 1886, and his skills were pas…
Are you a cigar enthusiast who is always on the hunt for the best cigars?
Searching for new cigars is an adventure. Sharing tips with fellow cigar lovers, exploring the unique stories behind each cigar, and tasting new flavors and aromas with each draw makes the search a thrilling experience.
There's a problem, though. The cigar world is massive.
No matter how skillful a hunter is, there'…