Six Cigar Accessories Every Cigar Smoker Needs

Enjoying a cigar is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Whether your tastes send you down the lane of Maduro Churchills or you prefer claros and lighter-bodied cigars with Connecticut wrappers, the time you spend with a good cigar in hand is quality time. That being the case, if you want to get the most enjoyment you can out of any tobacco, there are a few cigar accessories you won’t wa…

Choosing Some Arturo Fuente Cigars For Your Tastes

Cigar smoking can be really overwhelming to new smokers without, for lack of a better word, a mentor to help get them into the discipline. Without a knowledgeable and experienced cigar savant to help you learn the ropes and appreciate the nuances of the practice that make it so enjoyable it can be tough to understand not only how to pick a cigar, but what cigars to pick in the first place. E…

A Few Excellent Selections Of Alec Bradley Cigars

There are few things in life that allow you to really unwind, be present and be appreciative like a great smoke. When you take a well-blended, well-rolled cigar in hand and sit down for an hour or more to enjoy the symphony of flavors and notes that it affords you, you have a rare opportunity to deliver keen attention to all of your senses. A great cigar will engage them all. Of course, you can en…

A Selection Of Some Fine Alec Bradley Cigars

Cigar companies and producers all have their own backstories, their philosophies, and their senses of identity that color the cigars they produce. Many boast a vibrant history and legacy of handing down secrets of cultivating, curing, selecting and rolling from father to son or from mentor to apprentice. Some even boast of survival through the turmoils of revolution and bringing their secrets from…