very pleased
Mild and satisfying
Baccarat The Game Havana Selection Cigars by Davidoff
Produced by world-renowned cigar company Davidoff, Baccarat Havana Selection is one of the most popular cigars in the country and one of our best-selling lines. Mellow and smooth, with a slightly sweet finish, it’s hard to pass this one up. Easy enough for the morning, but flavorful enough for after dinner, it’s easy to see why cigar enthusiasts flock to Baccarat over and over again.
Packed with a core of Honduran tobacco, Baccarat is finished with a silky-smooth Connecticut Shade wrapper. Expect a creamy flavor profile with hints of cedar and coffee. The popular blend is then finished with a sweetened cap, a process made famous by cigar manufacturers in the first half of the 20th century. If you’ve never tried Baccarat, it’s tough to debate the brand’s popularity over the last few decades. Pick up a box and see for yourself!
Buy Baccarat Cigars online from, the leader in Discount Cigar Prices. Shop our site today for the Best Cigar Prices on the Net! Always shipped Fast & Fresh right to your door.
Mild and satisfying
I found these the first time in the Dominican, found them at Atlantic and have ordered boxes for my bar. People love them, very easy drawn with a nice flavor of Carmel and salty finish. Only draw back through 100’s of cigars, 1 in a hundred will be a little to tightly wrapped. That’s pretty good for a hand rolled cigar.