Alec Bradley Cigar Company has release a new Family blend for 2014, the Alec Bradley “The Lineage.” The Lineage is being made at Raíces Cubanas in Honduras, the cigars are blended with hand-selected aged tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua. The Alec Bradley “The Lineage” is comprised of a Honduran wrapper from the Trojes region, binder from Nicaragua and filler tobaccos from both Honduras and Nicaragua delivering a medium body strength and flavor profile. The line is to commemorate the son’s of company founder Alan Rubin, Alec and Bradley Rubin who both turned 18 and are now of legal age to smoke cigars.
Alec Bradley Cigar Company has release a new Family blend for 2014, the Alec Bradley “The Lineage.” The Lineage is being made at Raíces Cubanas in Honduras, the cigars are blended with hand-selected aged tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua. The Alec Bradley “The Lineage” is comprised of a Honduran wrapper from the Trojes region, binder from Nicaragua and filler tobaccos from both Honduras and Nicaragua delivering a medium body strength and flavor profile. The line is to commemorate the son’s of company founder Alan Rubin, Alec and Bradley Rubin who both turned 18 and are now of legal age to smoke cigars.