Aging Room Quattro Maduro
First I am not a cigar expert. That being established I have been enjoying cigars for approximately 25 years. Currently my most favored are Padron 1964 Anniversary and Padron 2000, 4000 and 7000. I was tempted to try the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua after discovering it was rated #1 in 2019 by Cigar Aficionado. My amateur taste buds agree with the aficionado’s rating. I truly enjoyed that cigar and have since purchased several boxes. Now the cigar that my comments are pertaining to, Aging Room Quattro Maduro. As far as I am concerned this cigar is underrated by the experts. I enjoy it immensely. I still cherish my Padrons but these Aging Room Quattro sticks will remain in my humidors for the long term. I’m hoping that I will be able to keep a couple of boxes in the humidors so that they have the opportunity to age properly. I cannot remark on any item without commenting on my appreciation of Atlantic Cigar. I have shopped most all of the online cigar merchants and my experience is Atlantic Cigar has prices that are simply better than everyone else. Your order is handled expeditiously, your cigar are packed perfectly and all my orders have arrived in great condition.