Nicaraguan Overruns Bundle Cigars (Picture is for Reference Only - Actual size may not be displayed)
We can't say much, but the Nicaraguan Overrun's are a good Nicaraguan-made cigar from a solid factory, which has asked to remain anonymous. Here at Atlantic, we try to make sure we don’t just take run-of-the-mill overruns. We evaluate the construction, flavor and price prior to making these deals so we can deliver outstanding quality at a great price. Makes for a great yard stick, these are sure to do the job and at this price point for this long filler cigar it may be your next go to smoke while mowing the yard. These Overruns are hands down a great smoke, and at under $1.99 per cigar, they’re a steal. The only problem is once they sell out they will be out for good. Often times factories make more cigars then what they can sell at full retail price and need to get some fast cash, and that's where we come in! We make them an offer they can't refuse and take the whole lot for insane prices! The Nicaraguan Overruns are made utilizing all Nicaraguan filler tobaccos with either a Nicaraguan Habano or an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper.