Esteban Carreras Devil's Hand Cigars
Esteban Carreras focuses on producing high-quality boutique cigars using the finest tobaccos and blending them to deliver bold flavor and complexity. The Esteban Carreras Devil's Hand cigars hits this mark, a Nicaraguan puro featuring an oily, mouthwatering Corojo maduro wrapper with an array of aged filler tobaccos from Central American's finest growing regions. The result, Devil’s Hand offers a flavorful, medium to full-bodied smoking experience, and should age well and continue to develop it's flavor profile over time. The Devil’s Hand is the first time Esteban Carreras has used Corojo tobacco in one of its cigars. The Devil's Hand got its name from the premium Corojo seeds that were smuggled out of Cuba. The “devil” being Fidel Castro and his government.
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